SSAS (A Poem From Your Friendly Neighborhood Lycanthromancer)

Propelled by the flatulence packed in the "meat," this stuff is by far way too rancid to eat. it's potted "meat" product™, aerosol style! use it as napalm and shoot it a mile! flies 'cross the room with the press of a button!

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Introducing the 'Hunter'

Packing the backseat up with stuff, the male wolf couldhear the greedy, still woozy sounds the wolfess made as she greedily gulped her food down. finishing the package of meat within minutes of started it, the meat was finished, the wolfess was once again

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The Mysterious Dragonman - Chapter II

The content was more looking like a brown soup than meat, but it had a bit of the meat's smelling. "i guess so..." she answered. lông and calemvir also looked at their respective bowls, carefully sniffing the odd one's content. "uh...

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Chapter 2

I don't eat meat." this was news to riley. a carnivore who hates meat!? what's next? a bird that doesn't eat bugs? "why?" her question was innocent enough.

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Werewolf Tale II - Chapter 23 - The Right Choice?

His first fifteen minutes of searching turned up several places that could supply meat, but none that offered fresh cuts of several pounds for less than a hundred dollars.

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Suncrest - Chapter 2

Sure there were folks with wings and feathers, but none seemed to hover the same way his pixie meat shield did. "oh, and before i forget," tea whispered, "if anyone asks, these things are fish, okay."

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The Master's House - (Kreet 94)

They have babies then, and eventually they become numerous enough you can slaughter one for meat every once in a while. if you have enough of these on your 'farm', and enough 'farms' around the city, there's meat for everyone whenever you want it.

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Leviathan Chapter Four: Saurian

Leviathan struggled to climb, already getting a stomach ache for the effort due to the volume of meat and plant matter lodged inside of her.

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The incredible change part 1

I was amazed of myself being capable to swallow such big chunks of meat.

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The Easy Life

He even had a big, cast iron, hand cranked meat grinder which was well loved and used frequently. sadie knew because the old man would grind up fresh meat to mix with her store-brand kibbles.

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First Meetings

Biting into a piece of meat, his eyes widened, "this is _cicisóie_!" it was the durric word for raw meat, though it would be better translated as 'fresh off the bone', "this is expensive!"

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Saved by a Lucario - Chapter 3

Some pokemon enjoyed hunting moreso than synthetic meat, after all. "so lucario," nycteus set the biscuit pan in the oven, "are you fine with synthetic meat? or should i leave it out?"

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