Thirteeen Tales 2020: Tale 4
The jackalope sat their dumfounded for a few moments as he tried to process what was going on. the glitter had vanished everywhere else, but kept falling from his body as if he was producing it.
Arvians - Grey & The First Hunt
It's head whipped around with a snap of teeth that the little jackalope barely avoided. what it didn't dodge, however, was the swipe of a massive, furry mitten.
Fur and Feather
He had encountered more than his share, from jackalopes to dragons to chimeras. this creature sounded larger than some, and possibly less dangerous than others.
Alantris, Chapter 2
He approached the servant, a young rabbit, a jackalope to be precise, rather exotic but appropriate for a castle's assemblage.
He looked inside some bushes, startling some wild jackalopes (some horned bunnies) "spyro?" he looked behind a particularly big tree. "spyro?" he even started to look under the rocks. "spyro!"
Returning Home
I asked from a couple rows back, i saw the jackalope behind the wheel look up at me in the rear-view mirror, his eyes were red around the edges, tired. he wore a dingy uniform dark pants with a dirty blue shirt with a falcon on the breast.
Enochian: Book 2, Chapter 20
I saw a jackalope and i thought for a moment it was a wendigo, back here to gouge my balls off so it could have some boobs for itself." "you make no sense whatsoever."
Kaiju ga Gotoku 7.4 - The Unbelievable
jackalopes flipped through postcards of okinawan beaches; cactus-thorned cats sipped fruity drinks at a stall; and mountain lions tried on straw hats for laughs.
Stolen From Some Great Writer [Winter Meta 2022]
jackalope with wings and like sabertooth fangs], playfully chasing after some of the sleds and making some of the younger ones scream-in-fun. instantly making ryoko chuckle as well. "good, i'll join you then.