Stay out
Crimson inserted the dart into his back. "well atleast you wont have to worry about it in your food or water...",he said having been told by his previous master his attempts.
Showdown in our world
"yes, in case you didn't know dust is practically gems in this world" rey told them as red couldn't resist in trying out one of the new crystals, he inserted a green peridot gem into his gun loading it in as he pointed it to one of the officers that
Everyone's A Critic
He frowns, motioning towards her with his rice cracker briefly, but the venom in her eyes redirects it to his mouth; better he insert a rice cracker than his own foot. "is no-one gonna offer me any of those potato chips?"
A new world to explore.
I do not own pokemon, insert other non-smut related disclamer stuff here. thanks for taking the time to read my work, its my first time really uploading anything here. no juicy stuff yet, but its comming soon, infact probably within the next hour.
Crimson Sands
[insert description here] crimson sands a sharp ache enclosed his mind. lights danced before his eyes, the only breaches in the surrounding darkness. they soon faded along with the pain and his eyes began to adjust to the deep gloom.
Sonic Generations Creepypasta - The curse of the Dappleganger.
A normal day for a 23-year old boy named dave as he heads out to gamestop in vernal, utah to pickup his pre-ordered copy of sonic generations on his ps3 the game case looked normal and everything you'd expect from a sonic title, but once he got home and inserted
Kit Turner’s Guide to Race Weekends (Ahead of the Pack Preview)
Tracks, for the most part are oval in shape--insert turn left joke here--though we do go to a pair of road courses where we turn right as well.
Not your grandfather's science fiction
I'd love to turn this, or something like it, into an actual scene in dee's life, i just can't think of a good enough story to insert it in, and so i present it on its own for your amusement. not your grandfather's science fiction.
Murder City: Chapter 2
Inside were the contents that i had previously inserted, completely un-mussed. there resided a simple, solitary white card where my old library card took residence. on it was a scribbled address, for what, i don't know.
Kaisa and Adina: Flatlined...
A last glimpse of the doctors covering the gashes, trying to replace the bones, and inserting needles urgently, before gasping one last breath.
First Day of School
In one quick move gen slipped on his duel disk and inserted his deck as he stood ready to face terrance who just stood there stupified. "w-wait! aren't you scared?!?" "why should i be scared of a weakling like you?" "what'd you say?!??!!!"
Slicer's amazing Christmas
(insert sponge bob here) they do not chew their food, but rather suck it, due to their mouth having 8 teeth in a circle. they are mostly friendly, but quite scary looking.