Stay out

Story by Leonardo caim on SoFurry

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This is a continue for the story Chasey_Drikal made she gave me permission to do this just so everyone knows there is no sex in this sorry now on with the story!!

  • * * Crimson sat in the darkness watching her. he reveled in her suffering. it was then that a terrible plan formed in his midnight skull. it would make him rich and he would have to do very little. he smiled to him self as he watched Chasey. He would wait and see how many exactly dear Chasey had... the fear in her eyes gave and instant hard on as he watched by the moon light her stomach full of little demon seed. A young female fox was sitting in her little space in the woods watching the sun rise being chained up had that advantage of not allowing her to move much. Her fur was the usual foxy orange and the white chest tuff. Even the tip of her tail was white though her stomich was slightly bulgeing as Chasey's stomich was filled with six unborn pups.Tears constantly rolled down her cheeks dureing the night as well as her screaming in pain and pukeing from her first pregnacy. Looking over to where Crimson was she snarls "Why don't you be useful for once and grab me something to eat and drink?".She snaps at him as she glared at him. "why waste good food and drink?",he said with a malicious grin. "I spose I can spare something",he said as he slipped away. he had secretly mixed up a potion and came over with the potion in a can teen. it was mixed with a juice he had brought along. it smelled of bananas. the potion would increase her milk production so she could feed a large it would also help along his little plan... "Its all I got left... we will have to get to a road and find our way into town after you Push out those little youngins. the faster the better cause I want to be on the road by high noon.",he said with a smirk handing her the canteen. Watching his every move she glared at him as he came over with a canteen,Her jaws made a snaping sound as she clenched them."Ohhhh nooo I am not falling for that again you used that canteen before for the potion to make me filled with pups and plus made me be a breeder".She snaped as she threw the canteen back at him. Her eyes were glowing slightly red and her tail was thrashing about.Hearing what he said next made her sneer."You'd love me to get a move on wouldn't you?".She asked with coldness. "well then you must not be all that thirsty...",he said with a smirk. but in a moments noticed her had pounced on her... pinning her down. his knees on her arms as he set the canteen down. then plugged her nose so she would have to open her mouth. he shoved that wonderful little O ring into her mouth and forced the contentes down her throat. He smiled visciously as he did so. "You will get whats coming to you shortly.",he said once the potion was gone and he got off the foxy little whore of his. As soon as she was pounced on she hissed as she felt him keep her arms down with his knees and pluged her nose on her muzzle makeing her open her mouth.Though that was a mistake as she soon had the O ring in her mouth again and the potion contents poured down her throat. Listening to his words she narrowed her eyes."And what's that suppose to mean?".She asked though pain suddenly shot through her as her water broke.Tears were rolling down her face as instints told her to push so she did.little under a minute the first pup came out.It was pitch black just like her father she had his eyes ,his nose and his shiny coat. Picking the pup up and placeing her onto one of her breasts to fed she sighs,Though pain kept shoting through her until she had five other females.Two were just like their mother and one was gray another was black with white paws.One was all white. He chuckled as he watched her with his arms crossed. "Just imagine You will enjoy a nice litter of females every day for the rest of your life...",he said smiling at her. He loved being kniving. "Clean yourself up and we will get going once they are asleep",he said as he handed her a cloth that had been made into a sling so she could carry them. She was bloody from the birth and he wrinkled his nose at her. but her suffering pleased him as it always did. They were on route in no time. as they reached the main road he kept her on a short leash by her neck. Just then he spotted a nice little plott of land with a for sale sing on it. he walked over to a man sitting on his cart on teh large clearing and asked how much. it was cheap so he bought it they were merely 2 miles from town...purrrrfect. "welcome home",he said to the little 2 acre plot. it had a tiny one room cabin already on it. he then Placed a spike in the ground and tied her by the ankle to it. "feed the pups...",he comanded as he wandered off. he came back heaving two large timbers. he buried half in the ground then returned with two morse. by midnight he had made a very nice little shed right around her. he even put up a clothe on the door to keep the breeze out. "Get used to this its home now.",he said with a smirk as he came out of the cabin with a stuffed matt big enough for her to sleep on and a thin blanket. I will be going into town. by the end of the week those critters will be ready to sell so I gotta get some buyers lined up",he said with a smirk as he went to the cabin. then just as the sun came up he headed into town. he came back with a mule at his side and some supplies he would need. He Pulled out a fair sized baby cage with the top open so that they could be easily gotten to so she wouldnt have to worry abougt then wandering out of reach. he also purchased collars and some other nessesities he set up the babe cage and smiled "this will be invaluable so take care of it",he hissed Chasey slowly sighs as she listened to Crimson's voice.Nodding she cleaned the pups and then herself before putting them safely in the sling.Following Crimson they slowly came to the new place.As soon as her ankle was tied to a spike in the ground she sat on the ground as she watched him make the shitty home of hers. Nodding her head she began to fed the pups one by one until they were all asleep.Watching him leave she slowly sighs and fell asleep though she woke up when she heard him talking.Looking at the baby cage she wrinkled her nose."Okay I'll make sure it's taken well cared for".She said softly before falling asleep again. Days went by quickly and before long the pups were now teens at the end of the week too.They were all sitting near the house as they looked at the line of men who were lined up for Chasey. He spaced the men out every three hours. with the help of a potion this was made possible. preventing fatigue and heightening her arousal. She had 6 litters that first day. a litter of 3 of Pure foxes , a litter of 6 of human crosses, a Litter of 6 Equine Shifter crosses which he knew would be most valuable. After that She had a large litter of 8 Wolf crosses, a Single birth of a dragon cross and the last litter was of 10 Vampire crosses. Crimson was proud and the babes grew quickly. they were trained easily and Sold for large profits. He was glad he kept her and started this. His litter with Chasey were already finnished with thier training and he didnt have to tie them up. The drooled over many of the Men that came. Thier hormones were going mad. So he began to mix up different Potions for them and soon He started to charge a pretty penny for men to sleep with them. they however got a infertillity potion so that they would not taint thier beautiful forms, They also got the virginity Potion so each time they were a virgin. Besides he could just keep up with Chasey and her litters between training a such. So if the six babes had been allowed to have babes he would fall very behind. Over a week passed. she had had many litters and No Crimson was very rich. the girls walked around in beautiful gowns that showed off thier beautiful bodies. Crimson had already had the old house plowed down and now was replaced with a rather large Home. Crimson walked out to Chasey's shack and smiled. He Unchained her and shoed her into the house to clean up unlike how he usually would just Wash her down by bucket and rag. He would then Rape her then after having the litter he would laugh and then take them away. his litters always seemed to sell for the most. Soon her shaack was ungraded to a house and a pole in the center is where she was tied but now had a small house of her own. Infact one day he was going to collect arecent litter for he had heard her go into labor. there was only one born and it was a large male He was a cat Anthro with grey fur but had white down his chest and the tip of his tail was white as well. he smiled at the young male. "You may keep him...Ill also let you raise him. but do not plant silly dreams of escape or freedom in his head and he will stay with you for company. Ill even add on to the home and I will begin to give you a small portion of money to him to buy you things you may need or want. because face it you will be here till you die for you will forever be my whore as will your Childeren.",he said with a chuckle and left so he could tell the men lined up there would be a wait so that she could feed the little boy and put him to sleep before he sent in the next male. he laughed at The fact that with every male came the pain of being a virgin each time and it made him satisfied that she did not have it easy. Kami didn't know why he was here but for some reason he was here and in a line with a whole bunch of other men. His dark brown eyes looked around trying to figure just what was this for and why was he forcefully in this line. Trying to calm down he started to lightly play with his long blood red hair. Shifting on his feet he was almost wanting to get out though it would be mean he would have to return to his master and that was something he didn't want to do. Crimson had ordered the fine male from another master. he smiled when he arrived. he grabbed Kami's arm and Took him towards Chasey's little home. Kami's master was then allowed to enjoy two of his pretty little girls. Crimson pulled out a dart that had been laced with a strong potion. it would make his mating instincts stronger. "You will be staying here from now on. If you run Your master will be back for you promptly. other wise Ill leave you chain free. but first... you will cover Chasey.",he said opening the door and pushing in Kami. Kami suddenly noticed crimson coming towards him and he couldn't help but back away before yelping as he grabbed his arm before pulling him towards some little home. He soon noticed the dart and he couldn't help but whine as he didn't want anymore drugs in his system. It was bad enough having to watch out for what he ate or for when his master burned incense or attempt at putting drugs in his food or drink. "Please no more drugs." His eyes widened as he knew not to run because his master would just find him and punish him harshly and that was something he didn't want. Soon he felt himself pushed in and he couldn't help but fall hard onto the floor. Crimson inserted the Dart into his back. "well atleast you wont have to worry about it in your food or water...",he said having been told by his previous master his attempts. "and as far as I'm concerned I can give you as many drugs as I like." "CHASEY!",he yelled The next day was pretty tireing for Chasey as she had six different kinds of litters.Though for some reason when ever she was done haveing one litter and felt tired she always ended up not being tired for the next person.And so when she did have all six litters she fell asleep only to be woken up by crimson and taken into his new bigger home.Thus he raped her and she had his pups yet again.A week went by and Chasey was begining to wonder if she'd ever escape though when she had a male and heard what Crimson said made tears roll down her face. Feeding the boy she slowly sighs as he slowly fell asleep setting him aside and watching as another male came in.Once that male was done she had his litter and then hearing Crimson scream her name she slowly walks from her little kitchen only to see Kami on the ground.Running to him she helps him up."Are you okay sir?".She asked before takeing the dart out of his back and tossing it out the door at Crimson's feet."Stay there".She said before walking out of her house.Looking at Crimson she narrowed her eyes and came to her full height which was 6'0."HOW DARE YOU PUT DRUGS IN THAT GUY!!!".She yelled and then growled at Crimson. Crimson swiped her with his paw across her face with claws scraping across her face. "Do not question me.",he shissed as he grabbed her by her arms and threw her against the building. then from a pouch on his belt on his waist he pulled out a long bull whip with barbs on the end and he whipped her three times. "I will do what ever the fuck I want and how I want are my bitch, MY whore and he's MY Slave as you are so keep you mouth shut and dont forget it",he growled. "You will Fuck him then Ill be teaching you some manners. lest you want him caring for your babe and you can get your lessons now...",he said with a hiss as he pulled out a small pouch then untied it and dumped the powdery stuff over her. it was salt based and would make her wounds burn horribly. Kami felt the dart inserted into his back and he couldn't help but start to shiver violently before grabbing his arms and gripping them tightly as he felt the drugs enter his system but it wasn't have the effect that should have but instead it was only making him worse for wear. The reason why he didn't want anymore drugs because their was drugs already in his system. Suddenly he started to cough before blood splattered onto the ground as kami was feeling sick right now. He soon heard the sound of someone else before looking at her with his dark brown eyes. Then he noticed her leaving the house and he couldn't help but struggle to get outside before laying on the ground just outside the door. Hearing the part about being crimson slave he couldn't help but growl. "I'm not your slave!" He yelled before coughing up more blood. "yeah well look at your think I did it accedentally?",he said with a manevolent and smug look. He laughed as Kami layed there suffering. "Look boy get it straight. you belong to me, as long as you behave you can go anywhere you like, but fail to do so and well you see the consiquences. I wanted you to be aware that I wont hesitate to punish",Crimson said with a broad smile. "go get some bread... it will help the side effects",he said to Chasey hehe cliff hanger don't worry I'll be doing another since Chasey_Drikal is allowing me