An Improbable Encounter
And by the time he closed the door and put the key into the ignition, it was pouring rain! thanking all the gods he knew for not having to deal with wet fur for the whole trip, he started the engine and drove away.
New Horse: "Separate Ways"
_ he grumbled silently to himself, jamming the key into the ignition. as usual, the old s10 kicked over a couple of times before catching.
Indigo Nights- Prologue: Cold
The zenith crown melts the frozen earth beneath their beaten feet, and ignites the frigid air around their dazed heads, providing a place to finally rest their aching bodies.
Identity: Chapter Two
Panting, tongue lolling out of his muzzle, he turned the key in the ignition, pulled out, drove causally past the line of cars. carlos sanchez had his back turned, and the policefox barely gave the passing car a glance. fools.
Kohaku, What's Happiness?
But all fire and matches can do is ignite the flames that hurt and burn you. what is happiness? i wonder? what did god put on earth that can truely tell me what happiness looks like if it was givin a shape. my answer was glass.
Live and let live: A novel: Ch.2
I put the key into the ignition and turn it, the engine turns over almost immediately... after that, i trudge back inside where i find amy sitting on the couch. i take a sit beside her.
Off The Line
Dad saw an opportunity to bring peace between the gangs, but mom was convinced that a hotrod hero's baby born from a cool-car cruiser would ignite a war that not even california's government could stop; a veritable war of the wheels.
The Dragon and The Steed Part 8 - The Final Chapter
With a deafening crack the gunpowder in the entrance ignited and the cave around katal rumbled and collapsed and took him with it, in a mere moment the huge dragon had vanished under the rocks.
Too Unlucky To Be Lucky (1)
I sigh a little as i remove the power pack from the speeders ignition system, i then step out of the vehicle into the pouring rain, it is then that i realise that i have left my jacket back at work and that i still have a ten mile hike to get home, so i know
Pitch Episode 10: In a Box
Simple words like ignite, run, freeze, or blow usually worked, and the more dynamic the word the stronger the effect. the hard part was the command. in the end, i came up with "dead wood, ignite, burn solid wood".
The Battle For Laplialiv: The Legion A.I Downfall 3563 A.D.
Due to her left arm being pinned behind jakli, she can't ignite the flare. jakli uses his free arm to grip the flare and ignite it. almost immediately the flare lights up brightly. he angles the flare so the smoke could pass through the opening better.
A Home Away From Home - Chapter 2: The Journey Begins
The key in the ignition, the feline kick-started the old chevy into life.