Dizziness overwhelms you as your heavy antlers and swaying neck drag you down to the floor. you barely catch yourself, landing with both hands on the floor.
The Easy Life
Sadie let her head rest on the floor as well, her neck being strenuously heavy to keep aloft.
Tigger Tank & A Horn Handled Gun (prequal)
"heavy to 23, require recovery," called delta. "recovery 23 to heavy, taking fire, set your auto tow, ready for syncro." tigger tapped the recovery icon on the auto pilot and felt the feedback pressure drop on the stirrups.
Life of My Own
Explosions and heavy quakes as the feline dove behind another large rock found in the fog! ...and then silence. aside from the thick ringing and heavy pants of his body attempting to gain more energy. trying to calm down, but his chest kept racing.
Isolation-Excerpt 15- Red Code
"when the same chemical comes up twice, but no others do", sarah told me, "the sample you guys bright back is heavy, heavy, heavy with a chemical called red code." "red code?"
Flea Bitten. Chapter One.
His legs were growing heavy. soaked with rain, covered in mud they weighed him down like balls and chains. each step felt like he was dragging his back two.
With These Broken Wings: Chapter 1
It was a chore to remain patient and watchful, but he managed to keep himself under control as he worked the heavy loads of rock.
Voided Traveller: Chapter 8
It may look easy to wield, but the tiger-wolf had an attempt and was flabbergasted at how heavy it was. "tough training today, aye?"
Setting Sail, Chapter 2
What was light rain had turned into heavy rain, now punishing the ground.
Strange Brew
A loud thump then came from the roof of the car that lizard man was mauling as something massive and heavy landed on it. it was the county sheriff, in full werewolf transformation!
Excerpts from Dragonbane
Dragonbanes heavy feet, reinforced with heavy dark steel clanked further down the empty corridor. dust danced around his steps as to mock him. could he kill the dust too?
The Familiar
The villagers, however, had reached this perimeter, and smashed a heavy log against the door as others of their number applied axes to the heavy planking, the noise causing bane to shift and open his eyes as if irritated.