Mistakes Happen
Twilight knew that rarity had an eye for things like this after her little time with blueblood at the gala a few years before twinkle star was born. twilight was hoping that the news of the trip would make twinkle's day.
The Stag and the Ocean
I wasn't celebrity enough to warrant the whole black-tie gala thing (i wasn't invited to that part of it anyway), and like i said, i was one shy shire. they could do to me about what they wanted, more or less.
Cupcakes 2: The Finale
I put her gala dress out in the display window ever so often, thinking that, maybe, you know, she'll see it and..." she tapered off into heavy silence, the quiet only broken by the soft shuffle of fluttershy's weighted steps.
The Guardians of Equestria - Chapter 2 – Mornings, Messages, Meetings, and Meanings…
It would seem that he still hasn't forgotten that apple fritter he had eaten instead of some hors d'oeuvres at the grand galloping gala a few years back..." celestia shook her head at that as everypony else nodded to her decision for now.
Preparations Pt 2
"damn, i expected a party, but this feels like a whole gala. the whole gang's here from the looks of it." he remarked, grinning slightly. "well, what did you expect? this is a pretty big deal after all," kieran remarked.