S3 Ep23- Magma,Zephyr and Bodhi's adventure

Bodhi closed his eyes and took a deep breath as his aura was forming around, and the coldness from zephyr was flowing off his fur into the form of water and flowed into his mouth as he was breathing it in. "what...was that?"

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Poem #44: Beauty of Music

_beauty of music_ the heart pounds time flows as does music and love never ending are the sounds flowing in my head never ceasing is the love that fills my heart with beautiful sounds trouble goes and memories stick.


Ghost of a girl

Mei took them, and let them flow into her another paw. she started to sing. a happy, beautiful song about rose petals dropping slowly into the spring. then she started to bounce around, creating silver waves around her.


A light lunch

Even his stance flowed with the sheer power of his muscles and dominance. as if it were just flowing out of him like a rushing river after a dam breaks. the warden, the future one, stuck his hand out toward the dragon as it nuzzled his hand gently.

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Soon enough, a fateful gush came out and korge, tired from holding it in, tried to shut his sphincter yet again, but only managed to slow down the flow. his energies were being drained and the flow of urine couldn't be stopped, just slowed.

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Steelfang: A Tale of Redwall Chapter 8

Ingral stalked the fox like a cat after a wounded bird, not even noticing chanser's body folding to the ground with blood flowing from a slit throat courtesy of bil.

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 5

The young wolf was holding his nose in both paws, trying to stop the flow of blood, but it wasn't working.

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Seekers Tale Part 22

From the circle at her feet water begins to flow in towards her. when it reaches her feet it begins to flow up her body encasing her in a flowing shell of water that covers every inch of her.

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A weird vent thing, probably will delete later

Trying to hold back these tears that keep on flowing and flowing, choking on myself. i feel unbearably alone not even the distraction of deafening music helps tonight.

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5. Consequences

How does mana flow within her? she's felt winter moving with her before. is winter a form of mana? no answer comes, of course, as winter is occupied with her task. how has winter moved within her before?

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Chapter 25

There is only nature and energy - both of which flow endlessly and seamlessly. one day your spirits will join the trees and the earth, the wind and the rain. if you are fortunate, you will join the river."

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An Imp's Advice

Even the breeze flowing through his elk hide shirt felt refreshing and new. _clank._ remus raised his head from the bank and gazed around the open field. nothing but calm grass.

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