The Modern Slave
While his fellow-employee lifted the husky into the backseat, daniel signed and exchanged the last paperwork.
“The Khajiit and The Amulet of Divine Luck” A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion
The ring in exchange for the amulet of divine luck!"
1 - Walking to the Council [Incomplete]
"signing the pact would make it a voluntary exchange. without the pact, we may be put in the condition of ordering you to hand over your knowledge. and if you refuse..." "if i refuse i would be branded a rogue and betrayer."
K-495 chapter 3
Later we exchanging some minor gifts, mostly vodka, and books, and that was that, 12 hours after she appeared, the k-23 left, diving back into the deep.
Autobiography of an Apocryphan Lord
In exchange they can peruse my vast archives and read for all eternity, not to mention the roleplaying games which i find strangely invigorating to host as dungeon master.
Late night, agent's lounge
For a time, no words were exchanged. after gray deferred as long as he could, he began to speak: "when i began, there were people like me....believers......true socialists.....believers in the worker's revolution.
Fire: Lost and found
As the firefighters and paramedics rushed into the now extinguished mansion, they found the fire pokemon and the trainer exchanging a tender kiss amongst the burned wood.
Face in the Mirror Ch.3
There soon came a loud hiss as the air in the ship was exchanged for whatever kinds of gasses there were on the other side in the alien docking bay.
The Outlander 3 29
As the seer entered the throne room general gash and his closest advisors were exchanging harsh words with the honoured claw.
Chapter 48: The Trophy Son
Watching the strange exchange across the street, roan realized for the first time that amrosa was just as angry as sade! she had always seemed so open before, so accepting of tail chasers!
Cursed, Eternal Wish (By MouseJ)
Speaking of memes, a set of pink, polka-dotted horses galloped across the sea, with streams of rainbows trailing behind them-the meaning of this meme had, as far as he could tell, been lost within the frequent exchanges of this idea from artist to artist,
Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 4: A Hasty Fortune Telling
We exchange the usual greeting all non-clan members outside of sheep give: guns out and pointed, we slowly walk towards each other until we meet and exchange arms.