Another way/Changing Paths Chapter 13: This girl…
It's her final transformation; she has at long last hit the peak of her evolution. osha had remained in her upright position with two very large swords in her hands.
- Celesteon, the Apprentice of Light - Prologue Part 2
What is so special about eevees is that they have an almost endless amount of possibilities for evolutions. your species has very unstable dna that reacts with your environment which sometimes causes evolution."
Starborne - Trial by Fire: Iridescent
Our ... guest - or its progenitors - must have borne witness to - if not all, then most of our universe's evolution.
The Most Dangerous Hunt (Story)
"...the light of super evolution, huh. as if today couldn't get any weirder." boss chuckled. "evolution? mind filling in the holes here?" thunder questioned.
Pokearth, Chapter 6
Therefore, i'd like a few pieces of fur, and to know the exact circumstances by which her evolution occurred." i blushed when he asked about her evolution, so i said, "could you settle with some fur?"
Umbro the Legendary Umbreon Chapter 1
Eevee is very unique pokemon, being able to choose from seven different evolutions. despite this quality that only it possesses, eevee is not known as a legendary pokemon due to it's weak strength compared to one.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 22
What does evolution matter when you have the spirit to fight and win without it?! what does the opinion of another matter when you see value in yourself?! what are you, a pokemon or a puppet?!"
Fennix race sheet part 1 (defense and survival)
Just being a plague carrier is apparently not enough for this marvel of evolution. the fennix has the capability of shooting out some of the gasoline from its sac, igniting it in their throat, causing a fierce flame to leave their muzzle.
Upcoming Series - Death from the Shadows
._ _based in a modern american setting, where genetic evolution has allowed the creation of human/animal hybrids, nyeusi is death within the shadows.
Advent, Prologue
After several million years of evolution, they became land-dwellers and took a form very similar to the ever-infamous raptor, the highest stage of evolution ever seen by the ancient dinosaur.
Arc 1 - Ephraim - 5: The New Life
Eevee types of every kind were present, from flaming flareon to sleek vaporeon, all the members of the eevee evolution chain were represented here in this gathering; dancing and living as a community.
Evolution Ch2: Cruel Intentions
Chapter 2 of evolution. hope you all like the series so far ^^ \>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\< "ugh...where am i?"