Searching for a new Home

I dropped the subject and walked on to the empty room she mentioned. sure enough it was empty, a little too empty ... but at least it was a home.

Chapter One: The Plain Green Bottle

"me and the boy need two empty cups" "empty!" said the maid shocked.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 36

Maybe everything would just disappear one day, and the whole world would be just like the black sky overhead, dark and empty and cold.

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GE:ZAVOS - Prologue: A Shadow Among the Sands

To his right was a row of empty seats, facing the perfectly identical yet opposite row. further to his right was another steel wall.

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Join the Revolution (TF, Robot)

It was a slow day and the mall itself was mostly empty, but it was early in the morning. even so the place seemed oddly empty. there were no sign of the usual mall walkers and a number of the shops seemed to be understaffed.

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Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Sliding off the edge of the fountain, the assassin's silent footsteps carried him to the adjoining room, only for find an empty bench and quill stuck in an empty ink well.

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Indifference: Chapter One - Born Lovelorn

Annabelle kissed him on the cheek before moving to an empty seat. mathieu turned off his music player and put it away.

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Sincerely, Me.

The sun that once bathed her in such a glorious array of light has now been replaced by shadow, and the warmth of the love we shared has yielded to unrelenting emptiness and despair, even colder than the snowflakes which swirled and danced around the empty

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 13: Beers and Jeans

The wolf rolled his eyes and took the empty casket. "why don't you put the bottles near here?" "ran out of 'em." the bear pointed at the shelves; kevin looked at them.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 48

Let me -" she stumbled into the empty space that had grown around him, but then again, all of it was empty space, wasn't it? "hello, mother," he said, settling for the kind of smile ander probably would have worn - not too big, but not too small.

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Moving In - 2021

"thanks sweetie, let's put it by the empty boxes." and we stood it up next to the empty cardboard containers, leaned against the wall. afterwards i criss-cross-clapped my hands, then launched myself arms wide to dunky who caught me.

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