Change in Venue- November

With all of the incidents our economy has been ground to a standstill. we are facing the toughest challenge that has ever been thrust upon this great nation. but we are not going to simply let it stand and defeat us.

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05 - Point of View

First, a heart only has so much time, so an ambulance would be a much better transport--" "this is an economy surgery." "minotaur dung! and second, you would have gone to the hospital, first. and third, i don't smell blood."

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A Life Without Meaning

We've helped new people, we've essentially saved the economy here... what's left for us?" mary leaned back, "i guess... just live our lives?"

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Legend of the Stone Dragon

He talked about the wars in the middle east, the state of the world economy, the death of steve jobs (which set them on a lengthy side topic of apple).

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Unstable Future - Epilogue

All of the macros and new technology had managed to destabilize the economy. job losses were blamed on macros, but nobody could really do anything about it. even though macros were a minority, they were not a minority that was easily pushed around.

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Adoption (Different Pokemon Arc)

Population booms aren't great, since it ruins the economy. silph can't keep up production to satisfy the new trainers' needs, thus, it's a golden opportunity when the stores get what they can. makes training harder for everyone."

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Blood-Bond Ch7 (conclusion)

A small royal family resided there, the king and queen having helped the economy and livelihood of the inhabitants tremendously. starting from the base of the castle, tall mansions rose, the wealthy of society living close.

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My Meeting with the Man who Helped Hitler's #2 Man Escape Death

Goering argued, quite convincingly, that he had nothing to do with the murder of jewish civilians, as he was only in charge of the luftwaffe and the economy.

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The Assassin Chapter 1

This, through a series of complicated events, destabilized the world economy and brought on the first worldwide depression.

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Chapter 2: the 8200's

Well look at where we are now, the economy is now on a low since 2009 and many companies went out of business due to there being no large cloud storage option that was at such a low price. which is why we declare a war on those who have caused it.

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Change in Venue- September

Bad enough it ruined the economy enough that she had to work for longer hours for less money and benefits under the excuse she at least had a job. and beyond that the entire nature of her work had become drastically different.

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Chapter 5 - Connection to Friends

This was a major conflict because it changed the economy completely. since the economy change, the war made a lot of bad hits on everyone from both sides, it wasn't really good to look at overall," explained ryan.

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