Chapter 11

Once i was up, he wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me tight, and i saw the runes drifting lightly off his body warped when i hugged him.

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Looking Back Over The Years - An Intro

Eventually he drifted off to sleep in that old wooden chair, which was as aged with lines and cracks as him.

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Suncrest - Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - welcome to the syndicate the cool breeze on the torillin river drifted through giu's hair.

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Always Part 3

Since freshman year they've drifted apart, but they'd like to come together again at a party planned to send jaden off to college.

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Chapter 2: Hope Beckons

He kissed the slightly damp fox gently on the ear, hugged him close, and drifted off to sleep.

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Your Love Is Enough, Chapter 2: A Whimper in the Rain

My eyes drift shut from tiredness, but just before they close completely, i see him lean down and plant a kiss on my forehead, and his lips form words, but though i saw them, i couldn't hear them. then i drifted into sleep. jace's p.o.v.

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Before and After - Simon

He was quiet again, still drifting. she watched him for a few more moments, then sighed and kicked after him. as she drifted overtop of him, she crossed her arms.

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The Book of Sins, Chapter 2. The Mad-Dog

The lights go out and the wind whistles to me as i drift off to sleep.

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Writing Assignment: After waking up from a Dream

Suddenly i woke up, confused, worried, for i had drifted to the slumber i did not aware. my left arm was numb because it had been under my head all the time.

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TLOS: Darkness Rises: Chapter 1

But spyro waved the thought off and drifted to sleep. questions,comments,ideas. sorry if the nobody part had no talking in it. i just decided to wait until next chapter.

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the storm of storms

I pushed against the ship and it started to drift back to the sea, i scrambled on it and tried working the controls. when i finally got it turned around i froze in horror. just as my father had said, funnels of wind reached down into the water.