Moo Moo Milk
Boasting the digestion process. gin was in the stomach and awaited digestion. he was still fighting in a futile attempt to get out. at least until he was suddenly moved around by her jiggling.
Manaphy's Electricfying Meal! Timothy And Manaphy!
Inside manaphy's stomach, a emolga sits there, waiting for his death, being digested by a water type legendary pokemon.
Monstrous Appetite
Then the moment passed and his mutated digestive system caused a loud gurgle to rumble from his gut.
When jail's not good enough (Master Tiger vore)
She has found that even the ones above the law aren't above being digested. two hooded figures paused by the mouth of an alley. the make of their cloaks showed they were well-off and probably shouldn't be in this disreputable part of town.
A Perilous Brew
The flower shuddered, and she glanced down into the churning depths of its digestive center. tiny filaments quaked, sensing food nearby, and virulent green liquid oozed down the interior sides. not many had seen this and lived to tell about it.
The checkup
Naturally the vet knew about ratbat's trips through his digestive tract; he treated the rat too. they'd probably discussed it before the rat jumped into his mouth that first time.
The Gryphon's Goal: Chapter 1, Part 4
After larry and his brother made it home, freddy immediately chased him around the backyard, claiming later it was to aid him in digesting all that pizza. such was life for larry.
Veno's Triple Meals
Seems she couldn't digest it so yet another keepsake.
Latex Lore Chapter 1: The Inflation Begins
It had not only thickened his skin but had also formed an entire digestive system inside of him. so this is how it all ends - being digested by an giant, evil balloon and used for god-knows-what in some great "revolution".
A Rift in the Leyline
Life was hard out in the desert but the vulpera made it work and now that they were part of the horde it gave them a great chance to see the world. For Ookitsu though it was also a chance to learn as he was able to get access to knowledge and better...
She was being digested! her struggles resumed and pleas that went unheard and unfelt by her pokemon. slowly her movements ceased and she was slowly digested into nutritious soup for the fire-type's body.
The Cat's Stroll 26
He himself was only at the twelfth level of the earthly warrior realm, and currently digesting a spirit herb, something he was at since a year ago.