The hack: Chapter 13 (Trent) Final

Kit said holding up a glass of diet coke. "to tsociety!" we said as everyone contuinued talking to each other, aron suddenly starts walking towards me. "um hey, could you meet me outside?" aron asked.

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Matriarch's Duty Calls

"his mother doesn't lactate much," she thought, feeling sorry for poor georgie, whose diet has only had breast-milk, whereas georgia would sometimes have fruits.

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Out The Door

I am primarily a carnivore so a lot of my diet consists of meat; to me sandwich means two steaks with a slice of toast in the middle.

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Lessions Learned Chapter 1

We got regular, diet, lime, and vanilla." "dude, i don't care, just bring me some caffeine!" came his reply from where aiden had left him.

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Samantha church aid i sentence you to, two seasons in chains working the fields and kept on a vegan diet only. sir iron will be supervising you the whole time, tammy will assign a guard rotation to you of only adults.

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Dancing with Yourself

"hey dude, what happened to the 'diet starts now' mantra?" seth snickered as he poked at the toller's exposed belly. "you're huge!" "mmmf..." josh wriggled a bit, but couldn't do much with the slime from peeka's tail pouring down his throat.

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average day in the life of an obese fox

Every time he left was the trainer at the gym called a successful session, he would glut on several double bacon burgers and multiple orders of fries at wolf-burger, and those diet tv dinners don't work when followed by two supreme pizzas from pizza-fox.

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Burdens - Chapter 68: Cascade

He was tired, mostly sluggish from the awful diet from the day prior. he looked at himself in the mirror, and somehow, he thought, he seemed different. it was the same red fur, the same brown and white where they needed to be.

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My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E2

Today's lecture is on proper diet and exercise. when both of these are performed properly, that is eating healthy foods and using equipment at the gym or your own at home if you have them.

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As a result, he admits being very scrupulous about his weight, and he tried to lose weight in every possible way: sport, diets and the list go on. well, here, nothing unusual, it can happen to anyone. but i quickly saw go a lot further that i thought.

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Exchange, Part 3

While he did appreciate the food, his new diet was... different. he spent the night in the lion's den. despite having no reason to fear the big cats around him, he couldn't shake a feeling of unease.

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Meeting a Pornstar from Heaven

diets, workout regiments and scripts. but point being is that i have been through it all, being top, bottom and in between. bdsm and other kinky things that you could imagine, and that includes me with a ditto.

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