Rendezvous, Part Two
"cooper." mike cooper's academy training had been in computers. he figured he had _something_ valuable to add, even if it wasn't about the radios. "ma'am, clarification.
Torment and Misery: The Party
Allow him the privilege of access to his iphone and you will find he will tend to be much more cooperative" "thank you for the advice; however it will not be needed. he will eventually cooperate with me.
When Society Falls- Chapter One
This is your last chance to cooperate, kid. tell us why you're here or you go downtown. you know what happens then." peter knew what would happen but he still couldn't think of a single law he broke.
In the end, they give or bend as better or worst, control the masses singular by the dozen, single words find many to move beyond imagination by leaving everything behind, we find in mind, a shared cooperation just to exist being a burden to blinding
Chapter IV - Fights and Battles Have Begun
She knew it was better to get this unpleasant task out of the way now, as it was clear her charge wasn't going to cooperate.
Chapter 16 - Mortality
She seemed to be a valuable asset but was probably not going to be cooperative. there was nothing left but to fight the asgard, to drive them off terra and save the planet.
(Bonus Content) Interdepartmental Memo
Believe me when i tell you, director, that the board has the authority and capability to obtain any documentation we choose._ _your hesitation to cooperate only makes the board question more things.
DRAGON HEART : legends of the guardians
They do the same lifestyle like we humans do, but only they live in a more mideavil way. this world is segregated into different regions, each of these regions have their own species, and those species live only in their own respective region. some regions cooperate
Dangerous Solutions (Archeons, book 3) ch 1
"why did they keep fighting--why didn't they cooperate? if only i could have moved them somewhere else!" norh tried to cry, but he couldn't remember how.
Furry Fables for Fun Furs: The Fable of the Bridge
#1 of furry fables for fun furs cooperation can save the day. sometime in an alternate past, the earth split into two pieces, but they stayed close together.
The Big Sister Part Five: Condemnation
Still, if there was some sort of power like the kind scourge tapped into, it would mean that adriana being cooperative could mean the baron get this power and thus her a raise or a promotion.
Shadow Warrior: The Great Enemy - Ch.3 Revised
Captain sharde' replies with cooperation. "what are you going to do, brother brutahn?" said, general lokahn as he looks at brutahn with curious interest. "settling the score." brutahn jumps out of the wagon and quickly vanishes to the forest.