Angels of Aurum 8 - Interstellar Infiltration
Star control ii copyrighted to toys for bob, all other chars to me "alrigh' let's think", started fleek, "whirr's the best place tae start?"
The Mind Game
Michael chuckled softly as he squirmed through another dark crevice, ignoring the way that the stone pressed against his stomach and forced him to suck it in to be able to keep moving forward. The darkness around him made it almost impossible to see...
The book of Souls
Yes! I...I think I made it...! This...this flooding of magic! My studies paid off in the end... With that...I...I guess I can harvest what it needs to work... I can...I can harvest... ...Souls! I know, I know, this is unfair for the...
Chapter 2: A New Cause For New Paws
**Chapter 2: A New Cause For New Paws** Kari led the four down a long hallway and into an empty lobby. Vix was the first to make observations. "If it wasn't obvious before, this place is a hospital." He took a bite from the apple in his hand, waiting...
The Dominion Diaries: Or the Rise of a Supervillain
Now we just need to find the right species to make the mind control permanent.
Time With A Troop
Maybe perhaps more slaves to control. that would be so much fun.
Seeing increased signs that scotty is losing bladder control. behavior is aligning to desired patterns. i'm a bunny. my son is also a bunny. scotty needs some friends. planned action: take control of household finances. buy diapers.
Seeker Origins: Chapter Thirteen
You will take that egg, and you will do as i tell you, because _i_ am in control. _you_ are not in control. _you_ are merely a vessel! and that dog must _die_!" at first, i didn't expect my body to respond.
A Frigid Digiday
Trish walked in the snow bundled up in her thick winter coat; she was carrying around a shopping bag in her left hand and a manga in her right. She was on her way back from a grocery store, as she was walking to the checkout line she noticed a Digimon...
Rendezvous- a coming together The stairway creaked beneath her paws with each step as Sapphire made her way towards the rendezvous with her new life. The lumbering bear was her escort and he said nothing to ease he fears about the meeting that...
LoS Into The Shadows Ch8
Chapter eight: Battle among friends Spyro retreated to the air to avoid this crazed animal that use to be his friend. Crimson rebounded off the ground and collided with the purple dragon. They were sent barreling into the wall behind them with a...
Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 9
Scott growled and dipped his head to his paws, fighting to control the flood of personal information. it was so hard! it was so humiliating to not be able to control it! and what was worse was being fully aware of it.