You haven't listened to them, have you?

You're on a liberal college campus, if you can't be public here than where can you be? again, i'm not trying to tell you your business. but jasper is a sweet boy, and he has such a kind heart.

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Flash Fiction

On Monday, as Kyle passed me, he shoved me into my locker and hissed "Fag!" in my ear. As I ducked my head and walked away, my friend Jordan accompanying me with an arm around my shoulders to help against the onslaught of less deliberate pushes and...

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Bolt and Steel Chapter 1, The Proposal Part 1

Hello, I'm Dylan Bolt. I'm a Dalmatian. A 19 year old juvenile pup. 2 years ago, I made a bad choice. A choice that destroyed a friendship between me and Gregory Steel, a 19 year old Rabbit. 'Hey Dylan!' The black and white rabbit was racing towards...

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The Pack: Preview

It will take place in a college setting with 3 main charters you learning the name of the name of one of them in this "mike" is the one the story centers around.

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Somebody's Hero (Chapter 1)

"Dearest Tyrus, I hate to ask this from you, really, I do. But I woke up early this morning in some strange place with handcuffs around my wrists and ankles. Don't worry, I'm not hurt. I actually just beat the teeth right out of the guy who's supposed...

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Fenris' Inferno Chapter 4.5: Falling

Fenris' Inferno Chapter 4.5 Author's note: I know it's been a long time coming, but I've finally gotten back into the swing of writing. This serves as an intermediate between 4 and 5 and a warm-up to get my head back into the Divine Comedy series. So,...

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Furries University Chapter 1: Going Away (V.2)

"college girls" the brown haired sloth says leaning close to adrian, smirking "come on, it'll be great, we'll meet new people, learn, have fun. college is perfect".

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Friendly Direction: Chapter 5

"why did you come to this college?" janet shot him a sideways glare, "what?" "you had your choice of colleges, was it really the 'superior english program' that brought you here?" "yes," she answered warily, "why do you ask?"

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On fait pas d'omelette sans casser les oeuf

Minerva était entrain de revasser sur des vampire allumant des cigarette avec leur dents De toute façon quand on avait l'esprit mal tournée comme cette epagneule king charle qui plus est était gothique lolita et adorait les sucrerie ,on savait à quoi...

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Friendly Direction chapter 3

Chapter 3 Another powerful memory replayed in Indigo's mind's eye. "As you know, my family had moved here from Spain only one month before school started." Janet nodded, her ears leaning forward slightly as if eager to catch every word as soon as...

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After Dark: a side story, Part Five

The next morning, the pair stirred slowly. Classes didn't start till the following week, so this week was mostly for getting books and find out where classes were.. Catherine woke and stretched, finding she'd kicked off her blankets and shorts in the...

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Slave of Alduin Chapter 1

Agvar, a simple 15 year old nordic orphan boy who was studying in a mage college built on he ruins of helgen. it had the architecture of a normal castle, it looked like the mage college of winterhold.

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