Ruegers Flight Dedication
You're drifting again. floating about the clouds.
Born For Loyalty Chapter 9
Pinkie's head kept on disappearing and reappearing in the cloud. dash looked over the side and saw how pinkie was getting up to the cloud. she some how manage to get a trampoline under the cloud and was jumping on it to reach them.
The Chronicles of Floofington Hills chapter 1
"the unknown and unfamiliar can be frightening, which is why i fear for floofington hills' serene ambiance as much as the average bunny will fear the space cloud." skippy blinked. "what is a space cloud? you never got around to telling me."
scootaloo gets her wings
But one she had always wanted to do was vist clouds dale. "hay rainbow, can i see clouds dale?
Travenity: Zen- Into the New World
_ he looked up as the clouds made noise. very quick and sudden could zen make out small lengths of light shining through the clouds.
Chronicles of the Storm: Prologue
Everywhere the clouds opened there was a starry night sky, the likes of which had not been seen since the dawn of man. those who saw the clouds open thought that mankind's prayers of deliverance had been answered.
Dreams On The Breeze 3 - A Dark Knight
clouds and onwards to their destination.
Shallow Goals
Dad looked to me down in his left paw, then to cloud in his right. he had us both wrapped up in a firm grasp, crouching in the water at the edge of the shallow end. "ready!" cloud replied, firming his grip at dad's index finger. "rudder?"
Star Fox, Leon\\\'s Legend (Part 1)
"no prob" leon responded, taking a u-turn and cutting across the field of clouds to the opposing wing. after a few minutes of hopeless fighting the ships came to an open field of clouds, explosions tearing the once serene sky. "commander!
A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 14 -A Fiery Interlude-
None of that mattered however as the clouds suddenly burst into flames, remaining stationary as suddenly a black dragon burst from the bottom of the clouds.....talon....
Chapter 22: The Dragon City of Gale
Mason said as he flared the engines once more to get through the clouds. however, the cloud cover was not letting up, his efforts only giving way to more and more of the thick clouds.
Pink and Ruger: About New Orleans-Visual 1 (clean version)
I tried to estimate the cloud's rate of growth. whether (and when) its path would intercept ours. "what," ruger yawned. "does that cloud look like a tornado to you?"