This is Me Challange...

I crash into the mountan what are these words do you have an answer all that i am is this this is me this is who i am a pianist with no piano a night with no horse a bard with no audience i am [not broken](%5c) not yet any ways do not forget me

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Opening Pandora's Box

"i myself am a fan of the bard, but the oly copy i have is under lock and key and i am sure that my master will not wish to part with it. unfortunately, it is impossible to get an answer now, he has gone to the fair.

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First Fatality And Funeral

Taking his place as bard was a younger wolf, one whose skills at the traditional songs exceeded the rest of the pack. his songs, though sung and played feelingly, lacked summerwind's improvisation and talent. few seemed to really notice in their grief.

Anthropia 10

She's my body guard now, and this is skalma, our bard." moon corrected. lycan face pawed with a sigh at the revelation of jakra being freed, but he didn't sound angry, but rather more like he was pitying a niave child.

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Wind Bourne Destiny: Part three&four; Capitivity.

After what seemed like half an hour the bandit halts in a small encampment surrounded by a scruff crowd amidst a few small wagons some with iron bard on the back seeming like a rolling prison.

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Wings - Kreet 81

They'd even brought in their first bard, and things really were picking up. they'd rented their second room to a couple of professional stone masons that were working on the new square.

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The Search for Ka'Le (10/15)

The bard thought about the idea for a second before he slowly nodded his head. "i suppose that would work," xander admitted. "but we still have the problem of the alpha's control over him.

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Zion Journal

I suppose heathersinger is her stage name, because she looks like a bard or something close to that. she has this very sweet and protective feel to her. just like everyone else in the caravan, i would really like to get to know her better.

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05 - Luna’s Call

The bards shall never sing of our deeds nor be recorded by the histories by scribes. thus far thy agency has served well in whispering shadow. but now thy prowess has earned thee more.

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Looking Back

Its... not pleasant, i don't recommend letting him near a bard. anderson bought all the drinks, they talked... and talked some more... until anderson found out what he needed to know: why he was so unhappy.

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