Zion Journal
#2 of The Tales From Zion
Dear Mom and Dad
_ I can't even being to explain how glad I am to have gone on this journey. I have met so many great people. Not all of them are the easiest to get along with, but they just make the journey so much more enjoyable. I think the best person to start this off with would be our head priest Zachary. I believe that he is the youngest member of our caravan, being only sixteen. You know how you would always be able to tell when I found a guy attractive? Well, I'm guessing that everyone out here can see it to. I've never even said that I like the rabbit that way and everyone seems to be so sure that I am. I will admit I enjoy spending time around him. And I guess that I can let you two know that I do really like him. He has a perfectly shaped body; it even looks a bit athletic. And his fur is just so beautiful, on his back he has this tannish color, kind of looks like a sandy brown, and along the front is this gorgeous white fur. I'm not sure if I would describe it more as, snowy white or cloudy white, but as I've said it's mesmerizing. Sadly though, we don't get to spend much time together._
_ You'll never guess who I am forced to be around the most so far. That damned ferret, Dillian Flynn. I know you warned me of him before and I will never forget anything you've told me of him. And also no worries, Dillian hasn't gotten under my kilt, in the sexual way that is. He has instigated some drama amongst members of the caravan. Hell, I can hardly spend time with anyone before he demands me to get back to work. I don't think he overheard me say this, but he offered alone time with me to Zarchary in exchange for money._
_ Despite the lack of socializing I've been doing, I have been getting to know a few of the caravan members a little bit better. There are two that you might know. The first one is Rust, or as I overheard Zachary call him once Brother Bronderson. He is this big echidna who, from what I have heard is a former Doen priest. My opinion of him has changed a lot since we first set off. Before I got to know him, he just scared the daylight out of me. Thinking back now, I am sure it was because of his hand, or the lack of hand I should say. I know you have told me to never judge other until you know them on a personal base, well I was very judgmental of him for a while. Every time I saw him it seemed like he was purposefully being rude to Zachary. I can say now that time has passed and we have gotten to know each other better that I have grown to understand him better._
_ The other one you might know is this kind tigress, called Narissa "Heathersinger". I suppose Heathersinger is her stage name, because she looks like a bard or something close to that. She has this very sweet and protective feel to her. Just like everyone else in the caravan, I would really like to get to know her better. It's just I talk her probably least out of everyone. You'll have to tell me if you know her next time I hear from you._
_ Then there is also our wild land guides Zeke and Jasper. I found out that there is something that all three of us have in common, we all ran from our home city. The two of them were both born in Myrh which makes me wonder if the two of them knew each other before leaving there. As we discovered quickly Jasper knows quite a few people out here. As for Zeke, it might just me my imagination, but I think he has a problem with priests. He seems so on edge around Zachary, as well as Rust._
_ Nobody else really comes to mind at the moment. There are just so many people it is hard to keep track of everyone on here. Well maybe next time I write to you I will have somebody's last name to tell you. Anyways some crazy things have happened since we left Doen, and if you would have known about them before had you wouldn't have let me go. We had only been outside of Doen for a few days before our caravans were attacked. I believe that they were called Snapjaws, since a lot of people were screaming that. Before too much fighting occurred, Zachery did something to free us of that threat. I heard Narissa and Rust call it a Divine Shield. Whatever it was it took just about everything out of the poor priest. For nearly two days he was passed out. The whole time I was helping take care of the rabbit, Narissa took over for Zachary in protecting the caravan._
_ Sometime later we came across a wildland city thing. Jasper said the name of the place, but I can't remember for the life of me. Some guards from the place asked who would be the one to represent for us and with the exception of Dillan, we all chose Zachary to be the one. I knew from the moment we chose him, the rabbit would do a good job. It took me a little bit, but I realized that Jasper was gone. Comes to find out this is one of the places that the rat knew some wildlanders. Zachary made a deal with the lord of the place, I'm not really for sure what his end of the bargain was, but Zachary promised that we would go and find his son. Apparently while running away, he was kidnapped by bandits. We were unpleasantly surprised to find that the bandits were under attack from a bunch of the undead. Jasper and Dillan both offered to rescue the lordling while the rest of us fought off the undead as well as the bandits._
_ Originally I didn't want to fight the bandits any more than I felt was necessary, but that soon changed when some of them charged up. Fighting to protect others gave me this newly discovered rage that I would have never guessed I had. With Jasper and Dillan getting the lordling and Zeke, well, running away from the fight (I'm not surprised that he did, he looked so terrified at the sight of the undead.), we were heavily outnumbered. We came out of there alive, with Rust, Jasper, and Zachary only getting minor wounds._
_ Later that night at Lord Parayas castle, we all were finally able to relax and calm down. Thanks to these ears there was a night that I wasn't able to calm down. I picked up on some sexual noises coming from the room Zachary was in. Looking back now I over reacted way to much. But it still hurts._
_ The day we set off to continue our journey, I overslept and was rushing to catch up with everyone else when I ran into the lord. I can still hardly believe it, he games me his family sword for helping save his son. I don't know if it's because I didn't have a weapon or because he couldn't find anyone else, but either way it feel honored for the most part. Of course that not all though. When I grabbed a hold of the sword, my paw brushed up against his and immediately got a chill run through my body. I know I'm not the most adept in magic, but it felt like he was using some sort of magic at the time. I might be wrong, so I'm not going to pay much attention to it. This does make me realize I really should get back into practicing magic like I used to back in Bannihar._
_ Shortly after leaving, we discovered Parayas' son, Haldyn Rakken, was among our caravan. I wanted nothing more to ignore and avoid him because he smelled of Zachary the first day we were in his dad's place, I personally though that it was him so was in the rabbit's room, but being the nice and forgiving person I am I decided against my original plans. And well the lying and deserving wasn't over with. I'd been wondering why Haldyn was spending so much time here with Dillan and me, until earlier today I overheard Dillan tell Zachary that he just spread the rumour that the young lion was here with his dad's acknowledgement. But a stowaway is the least of our problems at the moment. From what Halydn tells us, we are approaching ogre territory. Apparently they are smart enough to act like bandits and ambush any travelers who stray to close. I'm not sure what is going to be our final choice of actions, but I have a strong feeling that we will be alright._
_ Oh and yesterday I saw your pigeon Aris perched on one of the caravan. I'm guessing that you send out a message for me, so I decided that I should write you a letter about what has happened so far. If he is still here I'm going to give this to him once I'm done and I hope the bird reaches you all soon._
May Tah'aveen watch over us all
Your loving adopted son
Taggart Cuagan
P.S. I know that everyone at the pub love to hear my poems so I'll send you a copy of my favorite one that I have written in my free time. It was inspired by someone out here with me. I'm sure that you can guess who it is. Hope everyone back at the pub love it and I promise that I will write the next chance that I get.
I burry my problems and hid my shame.
You keep my temper so elegantly tame.
I promise these lips will speak no more lies.
Every time I see your gorgeous eyes.
The nights are so cold and alone
'Cause I'm trapped were you are unknown
Somebody out there please save me
Will it be you to answer my plea
I will forever be crying
If you somehow end up dying.
Please let me protect you
And promise you what is true
My heart feels like an ocean
Since I'm a slave of emotion
When push comes to shove
You are the one I love.