The legend of Tigersight Chapter 8

He reached the cave and starts to crawl into the rapidly shrinking entrance, when suddenly the sand layer gave way below him, dragging him into the cave; just as the entrance is completely consumed by the avalanche of sand and dust, sealing him in the darkness

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Secrets Ch. 3

I look down at my claws and give a short gravelly chuckle and respond in a deep voice that sounds more like an avalanche than speech, "well, if it helps, i'm only a quarter demon, my mother was a wolf like you and my dad is half wolf."

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Pandemic-Day 34 9:49 AM 12/25/2022-Chapter 3-Wasteland Surprises

The parasite has a 100% kill rate and is spread merely by coming in contact with an infected person. 29 year old cameron west, after losing his parents to agent six, decides to pack up his chevrolet avalanche and take his brother rafael cross-country to silverstone

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Pandemic-Day31 5:15 AM 12/22/2022-Chapter 2-Snowed In

The parasite has a 100% kill rate and is spread merely by coming in contact with an infected person. 29 year old cameron west, after losing his parents to agent six, decides to pack up his chevrolet avalanche and take his brother rafael cross-country to silverstone

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The Other Dragon World: Chapter 12

Did a recent avalanche made these..." "just don't make those reasons and try to find a goddamn point! we can't just walk here all day without even having any breaks."

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Adept Paws 3: Faerrets!

Still, it made her tremble a little inside, but she threw her shoulders back and glared up at him, though it felt like staring up at an avalanche. "this is just my thought, boss..." the leopardess cooed, tail coiling in an amused way.

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More Than An Alicorn

Like watching a huge avalanche rocket down a mountain. then the mare blinked. a second later anon thought he felt a thump in his chest like he had just been hit by a wall of displaced air. while in the vacuum of space. that didn't make any sense.

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Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 4)

Was yesterday the day you caused the avalanche? was yesterday when you were brought back from the near-dead and carried here by saria's hands? the past is an illusion you wish to see another way.

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Another Tundra Race

I'm surprised you haven't seen an avalanche yet! or better yet... be buried in one!" tammy shouts. "i'm about to bury your game, skunk!" "is that the best you've got?" "shut up!!" rachel and kiki say at the same time.

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Livestream Requests

At sneasel's size, the avalanche attack that he had just used really did compare quite favorably to an actual avalanche. the facility suddenly found itself buried under tons of snow with the occasional tiny figure digging his or her way out.

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Not So Retired Any More XI

They were up on the hillside, and he could see the favela spread out down below them like an avalanche of concrete, rust, and humanity spilling down from the hill.

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The Silver Lining-Part 1

He had spent most of his childhood learning how to board with his dad, who tragically died in an avalanche.

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