Chapter 1- Cutting Deep
who am i? right, before i get ahead of myself, my name's shay, i'm a jackal. i'm 18, and a senior at the hellhole known as cavalry high. i'm a bit skinny, but i'm proud of the muscle i've got.
Gorthorn: Chapter 6: Reality Shift
"who am i to refuse a king's request anyway?" the spider whispered. gorthorn stiffened. did the spider think he was obligated to- his entire world shifted on its axis. "don't you want this?" he checked.
The questions were very simple such as "who are you, what are you, who am i, why are you here?"
"BLEU" Part Two
who am i? am i really supposed to be like this? am i myself? **myself!????? ......** there was no answer. i stopped drifting along the path, everything around me just sped up and faded away.
So Close, Yet So Far: Prologue
I'd say i'm muscular, but who am i kidding. standing 5 foot 6, i run my hand down my slender tummy. god i turn my self on sometimes. i donned my un-ironed school uniform and caught up to brent. "checking yourself out again?" he asked.
Tommyfox: anyways, you, with the mohawk, who am i interviewing today? silver: balto. so pack your bags, we're headed for nome, alaska. nitro: cool! maybe i'll see some relatives there! aniro: i can't go.
The kid, like most children, is persistent, but who am i to deny something as simple as music to something so innocent as a child? that was my initial thought. and if he wanted a song he most likely wouldn't understand, then so be it.
Prax's journal- some 3 years later
who am i? age of twenty-two, nothing of remarkable to jut forward like the proverbial genitalia like most others. i have tried at the job things, but i've failed. i've tried at the military, albeit unwillingly, but failed.
A Whole New Kind of Heaven
So, if she's anne, who am i?" "your name is todd wolffe." 'todd. okay, i'm todd, and i'm married to anne.'
Duty Chapter 9
who am i to counter genera-" "they are all dead azerzan, you're the one in charge of the laws right now. your word is the law, and-" "my word, dragoness, is the law only so far as the covenant allows it to be. you should know that."
Identity: Chapter Twenty-Eight
And who am i? he thought. in truth he was none of them; he was just mikey, a boy who'd once lived in chicago with a wonderful family, who'd liked football and 1980s rock music and his jock best friend, brett.