Paper Rebels (pt2)

The dal i once knew would have made fun of me for months if i had said half of those stupid things!" "i don't care about what you think that i would have thought before. i am done working with you.

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Chapter 9 (Wendell)

That was a stupid thing to say, but i hear two furs exchanging words and then running up the stairs. this is our chance. i open the door, todd comes out, and we close it without making noise.

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A Ponyville wedding

'when can i take this stupid thing off?' he asked loudly. 'after the wedding, son.' said sunny blaze in one his rare moments of strictness. misty meanwhile was zooming around excitedly 'weeee! look at me, i'm a princess!' she cried out in glee.

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Racers Edge

"you always seem to get hurt by the stupid things." "its not my fault. i just seem to have bad luck most of the time." turning around, kar noted that the kitchen table was set up in a romantic way. "why is the table set up like that?" '"you forgot?

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Face in the Mirror Chapters 1 and 2

-of-all-the-stupid-things-i-mean-this -was-really-stuipid,-you-could've-doomed-us-all-but-i'll-forget-it-if-you-don't-make- me-go-i-really-hate-needles.-please-please-please-please-don't-make-me-go!"

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Fox by the Sea Ch. 1

"as you know, i've been working on this stupid thing for well over 3 months now and i think i've finally got it," dad said, "so, what i need you to do, is pop open the engine hood so i can make some final adjustments and when say, go, start


Genetic Institute: Chapter 1

Deadeye "how could you endanger kids so recklessly deadeye, that was a stupid thing you did."


A mewtwo Story Chapter 6

"he's still using those stupid things? he used to use those on all his pokemon. i often use my espeon to remove them from his pokémon before setting them free."

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Epilouge - From Peace to Dreams

"well, for one, it would a stupid thing for me to do cause i don't even know where to begin. second, if i did, i would be going against a promise i made to someone." "you suck." "no, you suck for forgetting."

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Alter Destiny Chapter 1

"fear can motivate people to do stupid things jack."she heard herself say. "the dominion could be among the greatest threats to not only the federation but the alpha quadrant itself. especially since it's top leadership can change forms.


The Doctors of Doom, Part Seven

"i feel like an astronaut in this stupid thing," t-bone grumbled, using a built-in speaker provided by the radiation suit. "and it weighs a ton." "it's lead-lined," razor explained, utilizing his suit's speaker as well. "come on."

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"stupid thing, never waking me up." the tiger stretches his form and scratches his growing gut. zakar had been eating more and more lately and he wasn't likely to stop, the stretch marks alongside it as evidence of his growth.

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