Uski follows the rest of the group into the hangar and he, along with the rest, is assaulted with a blinding light of planes and other aerial mechanisms. The group, stunned (except for Staal who is jumping up and down), give a simultaneous 'Wow!' and...
Blood, Corruption, Death, Dragon, Falcon, Owl, Random, Red Panda, Story, Trap, Twisted, saber cat
Chapter 2: Start to something.....something
I follow the tiger to what is seemingly the lunch area. There isn't anyone that looks like staff distributing food, meaning that I should've brought my own lunch. I stomach lets out a growl as we arrive at...
Dragon, Falcon, Light racism, Owl, Red Panda, Story, Twisted, View switch, playful, saber cat
I am a red panda or ailurus fulgens if you want to be all scientific about it. i am not very tall, only about 4'5" and about 75 pounds, i'm a toy to most people. i have vibrant blue eyes and a small swirl pattern on the back of my left ear.
Academy, Airplanes, Dragon, Falcon, Owl, Random, Red Panda, Story, Twisted, View switch, saber cat
Fran couldn't even see into the trees, but the red panda fired without hesitation. the arrow drew another yelp and another flash.
"kit, now!"
Action, Fantasy, Final Fantasy, Magic, Porcupine, Red Panda, Skunk, Tanuki, Violence (Not In Yiff), Winter, Wolf
The skies over the Bohai Sea... the sounds of high-powered jets pierces the calm skies, and, 50,000 feet up, a single black shape slices through the air like an assassin's knife through skin and tissue. The B-1R is alone, no escorts, no sisters, just...
B-1R, Bald Eagle, Cheetah, German Shepard, Red Panda, Stoat, aircraft, atom bomb, lancer
Kwan the red panda © me.
"excuse me? what did you just call me?"
blinking, i sat down my coffee cup, looking at the well-dressed red panda glaring at me from across the table. trying to smile, i forced a half-chuckle, hoping to lighten the mood.
Growth, Kwandry, Macro, Male, Paws, Red Panda, burst, clothes, coffee shop, growing, ripping, tearing
The red panda took a half-step backward and looked at me with a soft smile and perhaps the most earnest look in his eyes that i'd seen all weekend. "too far, max?"
a breath gave me time to really look at my emotions. "okay, maybe a little.
Bear, Character Development, Collie, Husky, Lynx, Novel, Otter, Red Panda, Stallion, Story Progression, borzoi
Almost stumbling on the stars, the female red panda used her large tail to rebalance herself, and allow the happy pooch to lead her into the house.
ABDL, Babyfur, Diaper, Diapers, Fantasy, Red Panda, SFW, changing, diaperfur, messing, regression, wetting, wholesome
The young hybrid looked over at her mother, finding the red panda humming along to the music coming from the stereo.
Character Development, Childhood, Deer, Fox, Friendship, Goat, Hybrid, Plot Development, Red Panda, Wolf, flashback
Statistically speaking, it was more likely to be her mother, yuki, a red panda from whom she had gotten the majority of her traits, but she sort of doubted it, considering the conservative nature of that side of her family.
Betrayal, Character Development, College, Fox, Hermaphrodite, Hybrid, Lynx, Plot Development, Puma, Red Panda, sadness
The lion rises, limping away from the red panda. but when he reaches the stairs, his claws grip the newel made of carved roses as he groans in agony.
"mr. axton?"
Deer, Fighting, Lion, Novel, Panther, Rabbit, Red Panda, SFW, Sci-Fi, Series, Superheroes, Wolf