A King's Time

"you were busy with my brother and sister too. especially my brother, though what you saw in him i have no idea. i was older; i could have been the one to fulfil our destiny.

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An End to Crime

The brother and sister never asked the fox who she was or where she came from. she never told them and no one ever came looking for her.

Slicer's amazing Christmas

He went to his parents house, told them to get in his truck, and proceeded to drive to his grandparents', cousins', and brother's and sisters' house. his truck was packed as he drove all the way to his house.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 12

He held his brother and sister, and they held him. he tried to snuffle back his tears, but they fell anyway. he lost. he's never been so scared in his entire life.

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Heart of Ice Ch.5

"sweetie, listen, i'm going to go downstairs and make breakfast for your brothers and sister. you can come downstairs when you're feeling better, okay?" she said, getting up and moving the kids out.

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Identity: Chapter Seven

"yes, brothers and sisters, that is why we are gathered here. you may be aware of a poisonous new measure which certain portions of our government have been promoting - the abomination amendment 28.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 12

He held his brother and sister, and they held him. he tried to snuffle back his tears, but they fell anyway. he lost. he's never been so scared in his entire life.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 106 - Mrwt

"You are... growing crystals!" "Nope, not that either." Emeral huffed as she and Ket arrived at his door. "It _can't_ be Egyptian-related, that's too easy." He pulled out his key. "It is," he replied. "What!?" She raised her hands up in animated...

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Light and Dark: Stories of the Past 1

brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of both light and dark. the angels took to the roles of healers and teachers while demons served as hunters and guardians.

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Chapter Three

His brothers and sisters in the resistance had told him of his rescue, of how he would be killed, or worse, if he ever tried to return. he remembered the nights of sobbing bitterly for the life he would never have, for the family he would never know.

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Balto - Family Reunion

"she's fine, so is everyone else. you know, all your brothers and sisters aren't doing anything, maybe we could all get together so you can catch up." balto said. "that would be a great idea!"

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Havana or Hell, Part 8 (Final part)

brother and sister." the inspector reached into his pocket and threw something at me in a slow arc - it was a book of matches from a local coffee bar. "for the schematics," he said. "the world isn't ready for a global havana syndrome."

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