She - a dream

Almost half of her forehead was burnt, deep black holes in her side and back... i was stunned... shock and sadness... it was a sunny day, green grass, sun, light clouds. i wanted her to come outside, to the sun, but she turned away from me.

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Consortium 1-2: Shipment of Nothing Chapter 1

Tell him he can't go on a field trip to a black hole because he's my familiar?" "no," hannah says, leaning against a wall. "he should go.

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Walmart Digi-Blast : friendship

hole came under tsume and jake and started suck them in and they began to fall as tsume hold on to her digimon as close as she could but feeling weak she couldn't stay awake anymore ( no, this cant happen like sorry) tsume passed out as

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a Werewolfs love - chapter 1

It was dark; there was nothing in sight, as if the world had been swallowed up by a black hole.

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Black, finished kinda

So dark it's like a black hole just swallowed me whole. then i see a light fading into the darkness. maybe this is what heaven is going to be. trying to get up i notice that the blood and tears are gone.

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Dragon's Roar Trio: Chapter 1

The monodramon was a literal black hole in terms of food and he'd never stop sometimes unless someone did it for him.

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My Final War

I set the armors power source to detonate. 10 seconds later, the cheering stopped, and was replaced by a deathly silence as the suits fusion reactor collapsed, creating a miniature black hole for a few seconds, ending my life and the life of the extremist

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Enter Star Fox

Doofenshmritz: when we fire the other-dimension-ator again, there could be a black hole right under tokyo. this is multiple dimensions beginning to crash into each other. norm: won't there be a rupture in the space-time continuum? doofenshmritz: yes!


Xenosapien Short Story

Probably ran afoul of some black holes or something. he set it to take them home, as he was going to have to be the responsible one it seemed, as he leaned back in his chair, and propped his legs up on the dash.

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Candy Dreams Part 1

Suddenly, a black holed portal opened up in the wall. alton waddled over as quick as his fat would let him to investigate the portal. he then squeezed his belly and himself into the portal to investigate. what happens next?

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"i'm not some kinda working out machine, you sweets black hole!" he shouted, initiating a full-scale war. "i don't eat that many!!" with these words, his fist quickly ended the full-scale war, the feline side conquering over the avian side once again.

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Hit and Run

See their black holes for mouths moving as they whispered their disdain for my existence through the halls. one walked into the room and i got a closer look at their features.

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