What will come Ch1
She didn't noticed that as she slammed into the dragon that her beg flew open and a scroll sealed with a noble's red wax mark rolled out onto the brick pavement next to the stunned dragon.
Journeys through Outer Canidia - 1st month, 17th day
I had recently procured some wax-cloth outer wear for rough and inclement weather, and some new boots of the same. karri sorted through things in an orderly fashion, wordlessly, and nodded at a few items and grunted at some others.
Dawn of Chaos Pt 3
Lightbringer turned towards me, intent clear in his maddened eyes, his previously perfect face marred by streaks of flesh that had melted like candle wax. i knew i was about to die so i couldn't resist one last jibe.
In the Service of Mystery (Pt.1)
I turned the envelope over in my paws and saw a red wax seal holding the flap closed. i was still turning the letter over and over in my paws when i returned home.
Ember - Kreet 83
Then it touched the grease which acted as candle wax to the wood's wick. a flame came to life.
Rat's Reputation: Redwall, new and improved
And then the introduction of the gypsy squirrels early on seems to serve no narrative purpose but to allow payne to wax lyrical about the equivalence of the high ones and curials later on.
Rabbit Food
He leaned over the table, peering at the waxed papers and sandwich bag. it was the lettuce he'd left lying there in a heap. he could swear it was flickering with a greenish light.
Breaking the Barrier Chapter 10
The wax seal leaves a minty flavor in my mouth. dear rainbow dash, it pains me to do so, but i am afraid that i must pull you from your vacation early.
Rising Anew Chapter 18, The Battle Won, the War begun.txt
Its wax already beginning to cover her tail's tip and length. carnisian sat beside the love of his life and softly cried in anguish. trisha and a small black tiger stood back against a wall as they all watched the burial candle flicker.
A Bronze Rising: Funkin Farn
The boy waxed at great length about the virtue of pumpkins and how their soil and secret growing techniques ensured that they produced the highest quality gourds year after year.
Chapter Two
Many a wolf had fared roughly in sparring after he had waxed anarchic. the fangs deserved their reputation; as quickly and quietly as they had left, so too did they return to the white fang fortress.
From the desk of the General. Part 8: Full of hot air
Anar had been very excited to show his best friends his new blaster and the two velociraptors had been patient while he waxed lyrical over its glowing green lights in three bars upon its fat body and the cool translucent disks with the same fluorescent