chapter ten
Can use array different aliens from movies,tv shows , cartoons,video games, comics, books, and etc writer or rper can be creative on each species and there culture and holidays and so on. ///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-///-/// *
untitled story series
"sorry mom, i was busy pulling the other one off his video games." thomas gave him a scathing look before saying, "i'm sorry mom. i forgot it was thursday."
Birthday Mishap
Usually on frank's birthday he just went to the video game store and get a few games he really wanted, but this year was different his parents felt they gave frank way too much grief this year and make up for it with this party.
Rainy Days
Board game?" "nah. how about a video game?" they agreed to play some video games. unex popped in some halo but they got bored of it quickly. mario kart was next, but that eventually wore itself out, too. finally they both just sat back and talked.
New to Town - Chapter 1
You want to play some video games? i got a couple fighting games, and some co-op stuff." sam returned the smile "sure, though i'm a bit rusty."
Baby Carriages and Fake Tea in Boston = Disaster
"video game addicts, looks like it's game over for the two of you." toner says. "you came in last and are out of the race. now go home." steven turns samantha around and wheels her off the other direction. "well," steven says, "i had fun." "me too."
Cutie Academy - Chapter 2 "The Bakery"
I added "of course man, i'd love to play some video games later. i gotta go now though, i'll talk to you later." video games, huh. i wonder what type of video games he plays. they're probably all horrible first person shooters.
chapter three
Or a game brand ) is interacting and having relationships and friendships with other video game characters a new game has come to the arcade and everyone ready to meet the new video game neighbors variations 1x1 rp group rp mixture of anthro
A Howl In The Night, Chapter 1.
We threw our backpacks onto my bed and completely ignored the fact that we had a crap load of homework to do; instead we dove straight into playing video games.
How I Meet Kara Zastle {Chapters Opening}
A female around my age was playing a video game. most likely a role playing game of some sort, complete with a dungeon crawl component. it was kind of ironic, considering what i was doing.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #7- Dealing with the Guards
"c'mon, i'll join ya in the video room.
Morty’s First Christmas
I held the controller, staring at the buttons and admiring it-- i'd played video games before but it was a rare treat at the orphanage.