Dragons Tale Chapter 1 Unexpected Gifts Part 1 of 6
trolling... not so much. thanks for reading <3 dragons tail chapter 1: unexpected gifts part 1: new beginnings night began to creep to the horizon. the sun slowly stalking the dark and melting the fog that had nested in the valleys below.
A troll enters- drunk. i know him- he's an old friend, a warrior and recently started on the path of the bear as a shaman. he laughs and waves his huge fists around.
Book of Warlock 16. War at your door.
Black specks appeared in the air as boulders hurtled towards the thick ancient walls, the distant trolls loading up for another shot on their war machines, as even a haphazard aim couldn't fail to miss such an expanse of masonry.
The content I produce
I do not know wheather it is part of the rules on so furry or wheather the admins are trolling me on this one? please tell me your thoughts. let me just say that the content i produce on sofurry is ether all ages or adult.
Chapter 26: The Road South
The troll roared and came towards them, only to be hit by more elemental breaths ranging from ice to water to wind to fire to electricity.
(song.parody) "Kicking Furries"
Re barkin' to the beat of a different drum, and while others sit around and drink their rum hating, trolling, always something, they don't know what they are killing i'd forgive them if they gave me the chance, but they just continue the attack so
the unatural kid chapter1: fast reflexs
The cop hand me the peiece of paper troll st. 567. i look back up. "why are you telling me this for?" "don't you want payback?" the moment he said "payback" i snapped back in to reality. i said "yes!"
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 29-Street Rivals Twin Turbocharged Ruoff
I just drove it cause it trolled people. i can do that with falcon now, so the mustang needed a new home." "ah", i answered, "so what are you gonna be racing today?"
Of Fire and Clay
It had a face that was wretched to behold, for it had the head of a troll, the ears of a bat, and the jaws and fangs of the sagmir. chaomyr's eyes glowed bright red with a fiery fury. 'who are you?' asked denden of the new being.
Clan War: War of Light. Chapter prolouge
Sagaterius, the crusader of life, or the life giver, created solar systems and formed the darkness in his will to create life, he created seven different races, humans, wolfing, vixens, death elfs, devours, chronos and ice trolls, but the goods had other plans
The Races of Grimmwood
**troll:** large tusked fae that live under bridges and beside rivers. **goblin:** slender lizard-esque race. usually bandits and mercenaries. **dwarf:** a mountain dwelling race known for their smithing and craftsmanship.
EverQuest Timeline
A crusade against the trolls of broken skull rock in an effort to get back a sacred stone.