The New Prey of the Forest of Last Laugh
Kaa smirked to himself as he put himself to tickle these two feet, moving his head form one to the other to tickle both of them.
Spring Gardening: A Pokemon Fanfic
"oh so your ticklish here", she said tickling his nipples "now i know your weak spot." serena put her hands on his shoulders "you can put sunscreen on me next," serena whispered in ash's ear. "back and front."
Reindeer Transformation
"i wish i was a reindeer." she says, opening her eyes. suddenly, she began to feel warm, and prickly. it tickled her, making her giggle a lot. "hey, that tickles!"
A Lead Crown Contribution: Peaceful Days
, tickling me until i was laughing so hard that it hurt.
Journey to another world ch43
When kit came sniffing under the cloths he quickly leapt out from under the cloths and assaulted her in her ticklish spots. the two of them didn't hear the door open as both girls come out of the room to watch them tickling each other.
Be Careful What You Wish For - Chapter One -
Encouraged by her seeming willingness, and a strange feeling of pleasure, raefox happily rubbed and massaged the slender teats, his claw tips lightly tickling her udder.
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 31: The Memories We Make
"stop tickling me!" "you want tickle? i'll tickle you alright!" with all the force he could muster, octo tickled the red wolf all over his body.
The Dragon Librarian of Winter Hallows
The tickling against his snout refused to go ignored any longer.
The Legend of Zelda: The Totem King- ch 5 Transformation
I pressed my hand into the indent, and i felt a slight tingle spread into my body from the tree. suddenly, my face started to tickle. my nose, especially. i licked it to make the tickle go away, but it persisted. wait, _licked?!?!
The Start of Something New: chapter 5
I ran towards him and he started to run off in the middle of the football field and tackled him on the ground gently not wanting to mess up the stiches and he laughed and out of nowhere he got on top of me and tickles me how did he know i was ticklish.
Obamon Meal 9
He hit a ticklish spot on his body. gasping for breath, logan managed to recover enough to poke at hector's fatty side and tickle him into laughter.
Chapter 19: An Intruder Is On A Loose.
Suddenly one of the children tickled al at the feet which make al twitch and laugh. the rest of the children followed and tickled al in every place they saw. "!" al tried to talk within laughter. "i...