Inferno High - Chapter 23

We all clambered on the bus, and we all went into our seperate corners. the four girls in the front, us in the back, and the other four guys were in the front, but garrick wasn't sitting around anyone.

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The Flame of Love chapter 1

Aero laughed even harder.icefire gave aero-rock a sly look and hopped on him and they started horseplaying like brothers do.they fought until their father got up and seperated them. "that's enough you two."

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No matter how good the beachfront property was, there was no way that the seperation would be overcome by beautiful views of the ocean.

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Astral High - Chapter 28

We got out of the lunch line in just a minute, and they all went in seperate directions. i kinda wanted to go be with titus- especially since he just went and sat down at a table all by himself.

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His Story part 2: Truth of Hate

The thought of him being seperated from his real father, taken to worlds he wasn't supposed to be in, causing the death of two innocent sharpteeth... everything sinking in. and all this started boiling up a new emotion inside him.

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The wolf stared at the leopardess, starting to get weak as he fell to one knee, grunting softly, "you've no idea how much pain that man caused me... to be seperated from my love... he took everything i held dear..." he said painfully.

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John Hammond: Revenge Of Darkness

"yes, but in order for the unambiguously predominantly hylic-dominated humanity to achieve gnosis and henceforth henosis via connection to the supramundane, ever stratificating sophian divine from which we have been unlawfully seperated by a leontoeidic demiurgic

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dark angel part 1

Prince, in walked a large demon wolf, his eyes blood red, his fur black as night, and like the prince he had a blood red broken heart on his chest, his was different however, where the prince's was still connected at the bottom, this mans was completely seperated

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Out Of Time - Book 1: The Witch - Chaper 1: The beginning

"we have six timeline locations, so we are going to seperate the five of you. each of you will get your own time period to travel through." the elderly man pulls up the first location. "first.


Enjoy Life While it Lasts. Part 3. Luki's Sacrifice

Everything went black but he never let go of rable or the pokeball and it took the strangers several minutes in the now pouring rain to seperate him from them.

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Rising Anew-Chapter 9, part 1-

Please never let us be seperated..." narina said as his lips parted with hers. she looked down with a soft sniffle as the last words made the air a little heavier.

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Rising Anew-Chapter 6, part 2-

A seperate shadow moved quietly in the prints left by the duo, stealing after them without a sound. glancing back every now and then, narcenac trudged along at a steady pace with narina.

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