Enjoy Life While it Lasts. Part 3. Luki's Sacrifice
After his descent down the tall moutain was over Luki went on his way down a old path in a forest. Rable had made it himself with no problem at all. It was.. Peaceful. He still had the sleeping mewtwo over his shoulder. Rables head hanging loosely and from time to time rubbing the side of his cheek.
" Your aura.. I can still sense it. Though your body is without it within it surronds me and gives me.. Strength. Rable if you can hear me i would like to confess how sorry i am for being such a coward. If i had just worked up the nerve to tell you then we would have had so much more time together.. Not that it would stop this day from comeing.. No.. Either way i would be doing this for you.. So dont think you can stop me... Kay? " He said softly as he walked on. His padded feet made him as silent as a ghost. Only the faint sound of Rable's tail draging along the dirt of the pathway gave any hint of his pressance. Rable wasn't very heavy but after that long trip down Luki was tired and decided after walking a little further to rest.
Finding a willow tree by a stream of running water he sat Rable gently down on the grass and layed down on his back with a groan of pain. He snaped his back and stretched a little before laying still and listening to the wind whistle past him. The clouds overhead driftly peacefully along without a care in the world.
He turned a little and admired the faintly visible purple energy that would reflect the light of the sun from time to time that surronded Rable. Keeping his body safe from the effects of decay. He was still so pretty. He paused and stretched out his paw slowly. He wanted to kiss him but he was like a doll, as pretty as he was he just wasn't the same.. He loved him so much though the only thing that stoped him from atleast kissing him for awhile was a obnxoious round object that hit him dead center on the forehead. He growled in anoyence and sat up. Looking around in anoyence then back down at the ground to see what hit him.
" A pokeball? " He asked as he looked down at it. At that exact moment flames shot over his head and burned the tips of his ears. He was pissed off now and he soon spoted a houndoom and a rough looking trainer that appeared to be in his mid twentys.
" HOUNDOOM USE FLAME THROWER! " The trainer demanded loudly. The houndoom nodded and bounded toward Luki, flames shooting out of its muzzle. Luki raised his paw and a dark aura surronded him and Rable then shuved the houndoom back several feet. " Go away.. " He groaned.
" WAT DA HELL!? Get em boy! " The trainer snaped. The houndoom growled and tackled Luki. Attempting to slash him but Luki quickly fliped on his back doing a summersault and then kicked the houndoom with his foot over him. It flew about four feet before crashing into a bush.
" LEAVE ME ALONE! NOW! " Luki demanded as a dark aura surronded him and began to create a low hissing sound.
" Woah.. Woah woah calm down now.. Heh.. You cant blame a guy for tryen.. I will just be on my way.. " The trainer said as he turned and began to walk away a few feet. A smart trainer would have stoped there, but this man was clearly new and very reckless since he had attempted to catch a lucario without even weaking it first. As soon as Luki began to calm down the man turned around with two more pokeballs that he threw. Two more houndoom's appeared and charged him.
" I warned yo- " Luki felt something bite into his neck and before he knew it he was on the ground with another houndoom holding him down and biteing into him. He was able to disguise a whimper as a growl and layed there a moment. He had two options. Be captured and fail Rable. Or try to force the thing latched on his neck off.. And maby kill himself in the process.
Rable.. I will never leave you. Ever.. He thought. His eyes changed to a golden appearance and the aura surronding him became stronger. The dark energy swished around like tentacles and the houndoom growled in pain but refused to let go. It became stronger and he felt the houndoom begin to let go. When it did he slowly got up, his form swishing left to right a little like he was off balence.. It gave him a almost deathly and disturbing appearance though and the trainer and his other two dogs were just faint images running for their lives down another path.
The dark energy settled down. And Luki looked down at the badly injured houndoom. " Left for dead.. " He thought as he slowly knelt down. His neck was bleeding pretty badly but he ignored it as he gently began to pet the creature. A few tears going down his cheeks. Why did people have to be this way? Why did.. Life have to be this way?
The houndoom was breathing quickly and panting. Its eyes looking around for his master. Where was he? Did he.. " Go? Yes young one.. Rest.. You will awaken again. I will not let life be like this.. " The Lucario said in his mind. The houndoom looked confused and then he noticed the lucario take out a pokeball and capture him with it. Everything became white and time froze.
He should be safe for the moment.. I must go.. I cannot rest. Luki thought as he picked up Rable and with the pokeball in hand continued his journey.
" In my field of paper flowers.. And candy clouds of lullaby. I lie inside myself for hours, and watch my purple sky fly over me.. " He began to whisper to himself. It was a tune he remebered his mother singing once. A long time ago. It was infact the only thing he could remeber of her. His whole past was pretty much Rable. Rable was everyone and everything he ever could want or need. And he would be his downfall too if that was fates plan. Either way.. What he would have given to have his mom here right now. He felt so alone..
He went on walking for a few hours. There wasn't much he could do about his neck. The cuts were deep and they needed stiches. He had thought of useing some leafs to put on it but would have done little to no good. He needed his hands free to save his friends. Well.. The houndoom was hardly a friend. But that look it had. The poor thing was a kindred spirit to him.
It began to rain but he was almost certain he could make out lantern light and music. He went on a little further. Then found a wagon. Just outside it blurry images were danceing around a fire. He went closer and the music stoped. The figures turned in his direction and one moved closer. " Please... " He whispered before collasping on his knees. The other figures rushed toward him as well and he felt himself being picked up. Everything went black but he never let go of Rable or the pokeball and it took the strangers several minutes in the now pouring rain to seperate him from them.