Bod's Day Off

Within minutes scraps of bod were already starting to come back together, and the automatic kitchen began preparing a heavy lunch for a hungry dragon. being blown to bits was energy intensive!

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An Introduction to Hope and Despair

Inmates, as i write i can look to my left and see the desiccated remains of a ferret, and i can only shudder to think what awaits me as i look at his arms and legs, each joint torn out of the sockets by the rack the wasted frame being held together merely by scraps

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Mortality (a sonnet)

#36 of scraps feeling particularly hopeless today. forgive me.

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Dirt Garden (poetry)

If i indwelt some luring scrap of land far from here, secluded, my own to call, i would welcome these same weeds, one and all, to plant their roots in my warm, earthen roof, just they and i, with no hint of reproof, and thank the thorns for making

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Dancing Away the Human - A Poem

#1 of owletrons' scrap book a short poem about not caring if you're any good at moving your feet. best consumed slowly and while listening to a good song. i don't plan on sharing many poems, but i find they can be fun to write if an idea comes to you.

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Ayame's Chronicles- Team Efforts

"mostly, and also for the fact that i wasn't in the mood for scrapping, and for the fact that i think the head counselor was giving me some weird vibes," he added with a slight shiver.

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A Child's Folly

Tired, whee, might throw this in scraps too or something. also yes, i did this once, and yes, this was more or less the reaction.

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Blood on Ice - Chapter One

I reached for the small scraps but just as i grabbed it another paw reached for it. instinctively i yanked the scraps to my chest and held it tight in my arms, my eyes looking at the other who had reached for it.

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Keeping Track of Story Universes

Like 4 people are going to read this) imperial splendor (science fiction, all "supernatural" stuff is hallucinations, i.e. the horseman is how anon copes with seeing so much death and suffering) \>horseman raven and sentinel \>bun story idea \>scraps


Maybe Stop Telling This Man What He Wants

My wants are only one: take every scrap of doggerel. force them to eat each one.

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False Wildness

Still might throw them directly into scraps. it was good to get writing again though, even if it was on paper and i had to transfer it to here. work sucks bleh raindrops like tears, slide down the road.

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The Promise of Fire

Might throw into scraps later or edit, not fond of the last stanza overmuch. warmth running through my veins, siren song of flame. it seeks for me to give it the reigns, as if it could be trusted to remain tame.

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