Happy and Young
Happy and Young By CalexTheNeko Frinkel blinked several times slowly processing what had just happened. The former raccoon couldn't help but notice that his entire room was suddenly noticeably bigger than it had been a few minutes ago. His once...
Magical Petshop: Kami
Magical Petshop: Kami Story By CalexTheNeko Art By Terri the Dragon Character Owned By CWolfCW What the heck had just happened? One moment, Kami had been looking at a job posting in a pet shop, the next he was trapped inside kind of clay...
Egg Therapy
Egg Therapy By CalexTheNeko The world was quiet now. Finally, everything was peaceful. Joshua wished he could stay like this forever. "Are you ready to come out?" He heard her voice... But he didn't listen to it. Instead he just turned...
Adventures in Babysitting (Pichu TF/AR)
The maturity of his face left him as his years followed, regressing down to the very early years of his life, now no older than two years old.
Their feet had regressed into simple little knobs of flesh, but their hands had evolved, each possessing 10 digits with a lack of any claws or finger nails and in a very similar shape to a chameleon's foot.
Journal of a Bear
I was literally an animal, regressed and wild. to think that there was a substance out there that would literally shut down our higher brain functions like that... it was only later.
Eggceptional Get Away: Kickaha 2
#31 of transformation part of the collaboration i did with trevor_foxlink to trevor's picture characters who entered are transformed and regressed back to eggs, and then hatch into a new life and have to figure out what's going on.
Springtide: New Pups in Town
Instead, they find one of the many mirrors that acts as a portal to the regressive world springtide.springtide setting guide support me on patreon!patreon link or buy me a coffee!
Thirteen Tales 2020: Tale 12
Blue and yellow made green which made him regress. maybe the opposite color of green would reverse this? that would be red, meaning he wouldn't have to mix it with anything if he was right. there was just one problem.
Primrose Valley: Who Needs Babysitters
Or worse, she might regress herself or him trying to find out what it was. it might be amusing to see her regressed to a baby for a few minutes... but then when the potion wore off well...
Johns New Son
John awoke to a loud bang his body moved and his eyes twiched as the looked at is clock"realy 1:14 in th morning. Careful not to wake his wife he got out of bed and walked out to the hallway he went and checked the front door to find it locked "were...
Eggceptional Vacation Get Away: Hayati
Hayati couldn't shake the feeling he had stumbled into a rather unfortunate situation. The fact that he had just woken up in some kind of prison only seemed to confirm this. He had decided to go explore an old barn; then there had been a flash of...