CH33 Nuru’s Shopping Day Part 2

He looked over the rows of books along either side of him, slowly reading the titles written on their spines. _hmmm...legends of crocuta, _nuru read, taking the medium-sized tome from the shelf.

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Chatline: Epilogue

Thank you once again for reading, and i hope you will continue to read my work.

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Hero, Chapter 3 - A Book - old version

'just keep reading. i'll tell you all about it when we can talk more easily.' "you mean when i've finished reading this in, oh, i don't know, twenty years? does that sound about right?" reya stuck her tongue out at the male.

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Breaking the mold - Ch 1

Still, given what had happened when he'd read the other part, reading bits of the book at random could have disastrous consequences for his health and well-being, let alone his social life.

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Chapter Eight

"mara and raegan would read to him at first, but it wasn't long before he wanted to read himself. he'd read these every day... i bet he had them memorized word-for-word." keira took one of them and opened it up to read.

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Thirteen Tales 2020: Tale 10

Of all the things a magic book might do, closing itself up when no one was reading was certainly one of the least odd and dangerous things. feeling confident again noel opened the book and prepared for what he expected a to be a complicated read.

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So it is Rewritten Episode 23

It's a flu where you can't read for 24 hours. take this medicine tonight. it'll take time to work its magic but as long as you do not try to read anything, you should be fine tomorrow," explained the doctor.

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Mister Miles

The startled look on his face as i pulled away, i think, had vanished quick enough i guess... but, he's the first person to read it. it's copy written and all, but there was a person to finally read it, i mean wow.

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Cutie Academy - Chapter 6 "Reset"

If you haven't read this story from the first chapter this will not make any sense whatsoever! so i encourage those of you who are first time readers to go back and read from chapter 1. **disclaimer:** all characters in this story are fictional.

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Thursdays Nightmare

I looked to the right and read a sign that said, micheal jackson suite. than i looked to the left and read another sign, george bush suite. it was at reading that second sign that i got a creepy feeling.

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Notes For Julius

- expressed interest only in reading. reads at a very high level, spells better than all other students (and most teachers). - noticed julius tucks his ears back behind his shoulders very frequently. - struggles with eye contact. possible anxiety.

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