All Things Quiet And Sweet 13 - No Matter What You Did

The beast was clever enough to try and feint its lunging bite one way, making the raptor dodge before it sharply turned its head for a second chomp, huge crooked canines razing the air behind the raptor.

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Your Possible Pasts 8 - Your Time Is Up

_ the raptor stepped back feeling something clink at his feet. _"stop this, i do not want to hurt you!"

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Episode 3: The Nebulous Imperitive

"martinez to raptor," harry said rather calmly, tapping his combadge. "raptor here," terri lu's voice popped up. "is everything alright?"

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The Island Guardian 3 - Separated

_ asked the grey raptor. **_"my mind is_**...different to that **of flesh.

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An Era of Chivalry 4 - How To Train Your Raptor

The raptor mimicked glenn easily enough, swinging the ball back and forth from in front of him to between his legs, bending down everytime he swung back down.

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Magnus Chronicles: Ancients Awakening: Chapter 5

She then started wondering, just how long had it been since the raptor conversed with anyone for as long as he was now.

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sitzt in der Wartehalle für sein Flugzeug Geschichte .1

Die raptor, wie sie hatte, war keine reue und tötete jeden, den sie dort ankamen krallen in. männer frauen und kinder als tiere, wenn die kreaturen dort gemacht verwüsten slathered.

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Dreams On The Breeze 3 - A Dark Knight

Shrieked the raptor. "i'm dying here!" "you are not mortally wounded. get up."

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The Gamer's Crossing 1 - A Wet Sleep

The raptor awoke from his soaked slumber, a little concerned at the bed that was now partly dampened.

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The Gamer's Crossing 3 - Every Saturday

She pulled out a few forms and gave the raptor a pen, which he soon scribbled with to complete his registration.

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He Walks As My Shadow 8 - The Dark Tower

This time however, the raptor anticipated it, pulling furiously away to try and unbalance his foe.

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The Gamer's Crossing 5 - Mining For Mirth

Finishing his sentence, the raptor smirked and began laughing, with the canine joining in.

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