Hotel sunbloom 2/2

Blaze stopped and began to make small up, until a pichu's size closing his eyes. halibell took the small salamence with his claw and opened his mouth. he opens his eyes and see the huge maw of halibell approaching to him. "wait!


Luna and Thief, OI Ch: 1

It makes me think of a pichu honestly - the recoil." "i see... scarf rarely speaks to me, but i can't blame the pikachu for that; i'm rather... unapproachable." seviper expressed back as absol sighed bitterly. it left the espeon to curiously mewl.

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The Pokemon Parade

Memories of being a pichu, then a pikachu.

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A Heart Shaped Tail - Chapter 5 - Sewing a New Passion

This is the second best day since i became a pichu." "second, huh?" dylan stepped up his pace to walk side by side with leon. "i wonder which one was your first." "hehe. you might never know."

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Primrose Valley: Maturity

He had a pichu friend at school, nelly. gale was his older brother. but not only that, before gale joined the professional pokemon league he was in the junior league too.

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Primrose Valley: The World of the Forest Boy

"got it from a pichu friend a couple grades beneath me. i figure since the forest kid has some kind of magic power we need something just in case he tries something." "okay, that's vague and ominous." zeelo paused.

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