The Big Game

It only took placing one long paw on the ground for earl to discover something incredible.

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The Three Cubs - Part I

- you're pretty ticklish on your paws, aren't you ? you can admit it.

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Little plaything

"It worked! My invention finally worked!" Mike grinned down at his friend who was now the size of a mouse. Finn trembled as the fox reached down and grabbed him around the waist. "Yeah it worked buddy. Good job. Now unshrink me." Mike chuckled. "All in...

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Running Away From Trouble

Getting a grip is difficult, and as shy as jesse is about his hooves and paws, he refuses to take them off, even when they become caked over with mud.

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A Warm Welcome Home

Kraton wanted to try and argue, but his mate had perhaps the most skillful paws of anyone he'd ever met, and just as his own footpaws went limp, he felt loghan crawling across his own body, allowing his paws to glide across tight, tender thighs and up along

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Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 13

#13 of paw patrol love tales the drenched dalmatian was dazed for a moment before coming back to his senses. he looked up to see a teary-eyed pup pinning him down. it was chase. the rain was soaking the both of them.

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Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 3

#3 of paw patrol love tales "paw patrol ready for action, ryder, sir!" shouted chase. ryder informed the pups of the situation. "okay pups. cap'n turbot needs our help. his boat has caught on fire!"

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The Abandoned House

A regular mongoose basically goes into an abandoned house and finds a hell of a surprise. Created with Devilduk's help in a roleplaying session. ---- **The Abandoned House By Fastbreak333 and Devilduk** There once was a...

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Love your little puppy pt 9

Hello everybody i'm soooo glad you guys love reading my stories i continue on doing a few more parts of this series so i would be happy for any suggestions for future stories Now with all of that done we shall begin by the way sorry if i don't do very...

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Love your little puppy pt 8

Hi everybody i've been having the idea to do third person view tell me in the comments how you like it. By the way i have a question for you guys do you want quantity over time or time over quantity witch means i'll have longer stories over longer time...

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Tease Anthology 1

Hundreds of feet of newfound surface area spread across the enormous paw as it further bulldozed dirt and rock out of its way, covering more and more of the decimated landscape around it with each passing moment.

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Paws Adjoined (100+ Word Patreon Giveaway)

To his relief, derek leaned over and gave him a lick on the cheek, purring softly before pulling his snout and paw away, the two of them leaving with the paw holding on their mind.

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