Watch Your Words - Anthro Rabbit TF

She tried to preserve some of her modesty, but her figure seemed to actively thwart her efforts to do so. none of this made sense, but she couldn't deny what had happened. "do i look like the kind of gal who'd murder someone in cold blood?"

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Little Beastly Lemonade

Did they even understand what the idea of body modesty was? "oh never mind." if they were like this, it was probably fine if calvin was too. besides, at his current age, and the whole catboy thing, it's not like anyone he knew could recognize him.

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He awoke...

He thought for a few moments, gathering the right words to ask the fewest questions in his own modesty. "who am i?" "i don't know." "who are you?" "i don't know that either. all i know is...very few things. only what my database allows.

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Rebirth ch12

Clothing wasn't an option any more, since i felt perfectly fine in my own skin and didn't really have the notion for modesty. plus, who ever heard of a pokemon who wore cloths.

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Making Your Own Omega

Being a smaller and weaker wolf, nbowa was just trying to hide his modesty behind his tail, as his shorts refused to stay around his waist. "ready for your first day of wolf school?"

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Not a Word

A bright blush lit up the flesh of their brown furred face, and as they finally turned their gaze up to meet cara's own, their head shook with bashful modesty. "it's... it's not even a song. it's not anything, really.

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Percy's Life Part 1 - The Mighty Caterpillar

I know, the way i was raised, modesty was a virtue for me, but god damned! why couldn't i have that new pullover without being told that the old one was still good enough?

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Sebastian Grows Big

His body radiated heat, a furnace fueled by constant protein synthesis, enough to make wearing clothes uncomfortable and what little he wore was just for modesty's sake.

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Seeker Origins: Chapter Seven

Celeste said lowly, bowing her head then looking back at viggo as he tossed his coat over to her; at the least, it would give her a bit of modesty. "'s good to see you, by the way." "'s good to see you too."

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A Chance of Showers - Part Seven

"modesty is one thing, but you're way beyond that." he began pulling the sheet away, and kip instinctively tightened his grip. jake stopped pulling and put his huge hand over kip's. he could feel a slight tremble in the fox's paw.

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Escape (2)

I have my pride and modesty too. "h-hey, you're awake," a voice call out from somewhere in the room. i jump and sit up immediately. my body muscles scream against this and i winced. but my hands are still up to defend myself if i need to.

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Bitten- Chapter 3

"like i told you're brother last night, modesty does not exist for a werewolf. don't worry you'll get used to it," said sky sitting down on the ground next to jerry. "first thing i need to do is teach you how to use your new abilities.
