Isolation-Excerpt 13-Force Recon

Allen shook his head, "it can't take your acidic blood, the only gene mod agent that can is number 40, and that was outlawed in genetic splicing because of it's tendency to bleach through hazmat suits and fuck shit up.

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Aberration, Part 2 - Effectively The Beginning

That said, most will mod themselves up to be able to take extended trips along the ocean floor. in the event of someone showing up and turning out to be not so friendly, or worse yet, be a full-blown aberration, i will need a physical weapon.

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The making of a book cover - A heresy story

Do respect this, as neither i nor the mods want to see the comments section turn into yet another mudslinging pit. so take a deep breath, and hold it in for another time. ## **humble beginnings...** we're somewhere in september 2022.



"when i assumed you had used body-mods to get a leg up in the academy?" she said. "it's because that's what i did." he nodded in understanding. "well, you're not wrong about the academies being rigorous," he said.

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Academy Days 2

Most mod buteo species were trained to fight with their legs if they weren't using a weapon, considering that their talons were some of their most dangerous natural weapons, and so the next blow was a pulled kick, one that snapped down just over the other

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Excerpt 22-Evacuation

I checked all over my body, trying to find something to indicate whether or not i'd been bit, but i found nothing, so i began to think that maybe i had just reached my limit, maybe my mind was playing tricks on me, or maybe something in my gene mods was going

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 07

The power fur rangers stopped and stared at the mod folding their arms across their chest. "be cool, we don't want to give them a reason to hate us." the red power fur ranger instructed.

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Green Takeaway - Chocobotaur TFs

"it's modded, so you should hopefully be covered!" john told him. "trust me, i've had to order a few films from your neck of the woods from time to time, so i've got the bases covered!" "that's some smart thinking!"

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Ferina III - Chapter 5

He tells you to raise your message _m_to the fifth power and take the number mod 323. you need to send him the message 7. explain how the general would decrypt your ciphertext."

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Volcan's Gaming Discussion (Part 1)

To fix some of these flaws, but i'm of the mind that if you need to mod a game to make it enjoyable, it was a mediocre game to begin with.

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Aion's Rebirth - Kouta, Chapter 2

Regardless, he insisted on testing any mod he created before even considering it for civilian use. that... had cost him his left arm in a violent bout of rejection syndrome.

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Leviathan 08: Murders & Acquisitions

_takes a bit more than just heavy modding to get into the psychonaut creed - but maybe you'd like to be one, maybe someday you want to replace yuri's pet assassin, huh? what did alaska say her name was?_ porsche castillion. that was it.

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