
He was so handsome, it hurt to see him melancholy. "," i tried saying, "h-how's your...night, so far?"

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2796761 ironsnake345_springtime_sting

For a moment, i can't help but miss him, and the commanding aura becomes solemn, melancholy, the emotions of the smell washing over me and overwriting my own... but then, i notice something else, something beneath the inquisitive armoa.

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Tales of Unova, Elemental Extremities

The flo, terry knew and grew up with was sweet, kind, caring, gentle and a little melancholy. terry saw a clear and pronounced iron streak in her heart; not something to cross or trifle with. "could you promise me, if i go too far, could you stop me?"

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The Ramblings Of A Madman; Nyudo Gilgamesh Nattak

Nyudo sighed, and sat down again, his eyes now bearing a certain melancholy, a sadness kadow couldn't really describe with words.

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Romance (Kreet - 41)

It was, perhaps, a bit melancholy, but somehow kreet felt it reflected her mood perfectly. the worst thing about a perfect night is that it doesn't last for long. "are there lyrics to that?" kallid asked the goddess when she stopped.

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Chapter 4: A plush for Jay, and a gem for G

#4 of the law _a mix of silly, strange, and melancholy here. we write what we are i guess... btw, you'll see more of jay and his plush friend in the next chapter, i assure you :) -lemn_ "hmm, that's thoughtful..."

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The killed dragon's descendant

It wasn't rampant, nor did its mouth open up, but instead observed the statue of tarant, with something like...melancholy? hans got closer. that unexpected presence, was nevertheless not unwelcome.


Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 70

He lifted his eyepatch, letting the freezing wind inside the hollow depths of his socket, swirling around and around, whistling a melancholy tune inside his skull. ander looked like he had seen a ghost, the poor guy.

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Existence in Peril -Prologue

Its reptilian face, withered with obvious years, was sad and melancholy, eyes to the brim with tears. it then looked to the sky and resolve rolled over its face and the years seemed to melt away, but weariness was still there.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, The Cold Wars c1

Confidence heart, melancholy bear, defender bear, meek heart unicorn, wild heart unicorn, guidance heart raccoon, anger heart fox and his son flair heart unicorn were up and out the door.

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A New Approach

Her anger slowly turned into sadness as she gazed at the coins in the water in melancholy. "it just sucks that i can't seem to find a decent job that doesn't require me to sacrifice my dignity.

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One of a kind: chapter 1

Jasper came about a bus stop not far away from the park, deciding that he'd continue entertaining his melancholy back home. the time was roughly around seven in the evening, and he had just missed the bus.

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