Crocs of the Leather Stick Together 8 - Gutted Galleon

"' insubordination this is!" "answer the question!" james softly pulled the scissor blades closer, threatening to squeeze the throat. "a-agh alrigh' alrigh'!

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 16

The insubordinate child was getting on his nerves, he hated when his orders were ignored, especially frustrating was the fact that even a criminal doesn't hold them in any regard.

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Establishing Dominance

Something about insubordination to one's monarch sounds proper." that silenced many of the protesters, who looked around to see that there were several guards stationed, all armed as well; certainly, adrian had every means to enforce his demand.

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There's A Leak in the Boiler Room

The side of his face ached and throbbed with that dull pain, but hopefully kicking some fresh insubordinate ass would help. it always did before.

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Indigo Nights- Chapter 13: Mr.Kuiper

"i will not tolerate insubordination, zenith 2!" "put it up to a vote then," kyran says, wiping his eyes in his sleeves. "now you're sounding like the reasonable son i raised," thaddeus says, pushing them both apart and stepping aside.


Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 5 - Pearl

Conrad snarled, "we shall see what the administration authority has to say about your lack of decorum and insubordination. " "that is, of course, your right sir." major dauntless replied, clearly underwhelmed by conrad's threat.

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Twilight of the Gods (Chapter 15, Book7)

For your insubordination, she placed you into solitude for four years, and dropped shizuko into the wild, leaving her to become nogitsune ... wild spirit foxes with no ties to inari.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 8

Wouldn't work hunter was certain that the city guard had other means of pacifying the troublemakers, one glance at the dragons wearing the cloaks was enough to tell that they did take their job seriously and were more than capable of showing that to the insubordinate

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North and South Chapter 1: Special Ops

And he also knew better than to treat teammates as cannon fodder unless it was part of an agreed plan, which made him wince slightly as he imagined if it were luke or the others of his team scolding him for his insubordination. "this...

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Picking up the pieces

Lekan continued with a growling tone, not caring how insubordinate he sounded anymore. "of course she does! so does everyone who's ever lost someone special! we can't revive everyo...!"

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Unknown Waters

No, adrian, that's a right reserved for asher and your parents, i'm sure they will deal with your insubordination," the old grey otter said as he stepped back. he was replaced by his father, who looked at his child sternly.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book III Chapter 3

He has never seen anyone in such a fury before, not even the purple dragons from his time were capable of such wrath when they had to deal with insubordination.

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