Some thoughts from the brink. ( supplimental)

Audio diaries, captured ottsels, recorded camera footage, all of it gives insight to what drove the ottsels to the mainland. here is but a taste. a red furred ottsel sits at a table.

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A Change Of Heart CH2

He then remembered the events in the locker room, hoping his older sister could give some insight. "hey, you know richard, the quarter back on my team?" he said, sitting in a chair. "richard kingston? yea i know bout him, what."

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Meet the Studs: The Tiger who Blinds like the Sun

He's a tender, shockingly insightful lover, firm and understanding, quick to pick up on when something's eating at someone but just as quick to pull his mates aside when one of them steps out line.

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The Beginning

If gives a small insight into how he became what he is and what he does. i hope you all enjoy it. any and all thoughts are welcome. * * * we all have a story to tell. some have tales of love.

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Ardring - Chapter 4

But if this cheetah knew what was going on, perhaps listening and answering would provide insight. "... an explosion. a bright light. a cloud. then... here." he mumbled. the cheetah just nodded.

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August 1: My Return to Minasato

Year after year, i had to make my mundane summer seem like an interesting one on paper, putting my own subjective opinions and "insights" as padding. well, it was enough to convince my teachers to give me a passing grade, so i had no problem with it.


My frozen soul saved with love : part two

But it was what i said that was the opposite of what was going to happen to me my friends and my family as i begun to feel the changes in my body take fold from more marks to having more keen senses and insight but it was these abilities that had the power

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Hunting Death- Town of Death

This gave me new insight to their claims of hunting their own death. it is not just about trying to stop it but trying to come to some understanding of it and for that understanding they came to this place to watch the dead.

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Trouble in Paradise

At first they did what an angel of their sphere should do: talk to the intellectuals they guarded over, trying to gain some insight their luminous mind had not yet considered.

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File #3 - "Echoes"

Val'sha was intelligent, insightful and sometimes a little brutal in her analysis of the fact but he doubted that even she had the answers here.

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Adoption (Kreet 17)

Kreet closed her eyes and prayed for insight from pelor. whether the answer came from him or from herself, she couldn't say. but her faith answered that question. "i'll take it, if you don't want it ashley." the girl looked up at her. "really?

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Shrines of Creation - Thursday Prompt Story [#21, 22/6/23]

We hope that, regardless of what your answer is, you found this information insightful, and that you got a deeper understanding of how much effort is put into keeping our composers happy.

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