Chapter Six - Only In Dreams
"flight 0489, destination: rworraarm, rurr'mro'rular, departs 04:37 hours; flight 0573, destination: jeema noonga orbital way station, departs 06:35 hours; flight 0585, destination: nara, hirratta city, departs 06:27 hours; flight 0..."
First Time Babysitter
So for that half an hour, i helped basil with his game. for the other half hour, me and basil played 2 player. me and him had lots of fun. even though i knew most of the levels, i let basil win. i look at the time on my droid. it said 7:30.
david's college days part eighteen
After an hour the festival had calmed down and went back to normal, david was put in the ambulance and was off to the hospital (not in a hour more like half un-hour) and sarah was following in the car with all the stuff from the festival the car would have
Episode 15: Late Texts
**[george watterson]** _(2 hours ago...)_ "are you there? i really need your help here! come on over and help!" **[george watterson]** _(1 hour ago...)_ "i guess you aren't around. please, head over whenever you can, make it soon sometime today.
My Life as a Slave 9
She was locked in there for four hours and she had demolished his body. # haku was dying he hadn't seen her in hours and was afraid she was hurt.
Chapter 1: Discovery
Sandra had texted him a little over an hour ago explaining that they had left jack at the house because he insisted he'd be fine for an hour and they were already running late. he studied the house for a bit.
Behind Those Red Eyes Ch.4
For the next 4 hours i trained on my sense of hearing just so i can pick up on where my enemy might be hiding or when they could attack me. lastly, i trained on my sense of smell for another 4 hours.
Desperate To Pass {Desperation, WS}
The sections were: an essay question for an hour, 45 minutes of math, 45 minutes of science, a half hour of social sciences, and an hour of reading comprehension and english language skills. in total, 4 hours of test.
Jeremy 020; Jump The Rings And Hoops
"substation epsilon had been down for maintenance for one hour. substation epsilon has two more hours of maintenance required before completion. substation delta is producing error codes indicating an imminent failure.
Love for Sale: Chapter 4
Each day of hours upon hours of searching for information weighed heavily. in a thousand files, dante only found one with a black stamp marking the case closed.
The Reality Chapter 11
What was an hour seemed like a few hours. after he was done examining me they made me take a small i.q test to see how my brain was developing for learning.