Family Love Chapter 3 Raising the Children

Okay, because I don't feel like changing it, I'll post the chapters in reverse order (or at least that's how they'll appear). Chapter 3 of my story. ============================================================================================= Chapter...

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Ember Tails info sheet

- _kyle peters_ - the flareon slugger on the hassenburg wildfire, the city's pro baseball team - _mightyena coach_ - the gym teacher and battle coach at hsms. - _miss ferber_ - the golduck counselor at zane, kira, and keith's middle school.

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Destined Love

A female trainer with long black hair Jade eyes a green top and worn out shorts name Katalina was training r the pokemon Battle Challenge her partner pokemon,Pepper the Lopunny,followed close behind her "Pepper wanna take out that lucario over R R...

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Exiles of Mossflower: Chapter Three

Chapter Three "Pity not the Raccoon. While she is not strong like the Wolverine, or a far runner like the Fox, she has the keenest eyes and spirit of all Itazou's Children. The prey's deepest cunning is but a shallow stream before her gaze." --...

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Exiles of Mossflower: Chapter Two

Chapter Two "A skilled hunter has no need for weapons beyond those given to her at birth. Even so, the wise hunter knows to turn back the weapons of her prey." -- Third Proverb of Ayako Ueda Nezushi Sergeant Kikyo's fears were proven...

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Exiles of Mossflower: Chapter One

# Chapter One "_A wise hunter cultivates a wolverine's honor, where the foolish one cultivates her fury. The first has a true friend who will defend her in times of need, the last is left with naught but a weapon that shall turn without...

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Exiles of Mossflower: Prologue

Prologue In the third year of our eternal exile from the Musteline Republic, during the month of the Otter, Lady Shukko, long may her line thrive, led her army to one of the key victories in her first campaign. The navies of Terramort were...

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An Umbreon's Quest Chap 6 Camp II

I do not own Pokemon, I own the characters. In case people have trouble pronoucing the name. Keltorie (Kel-tore-rie) Garomun (Gar-o-moon) Amadea (A-may-dear) Nicarun (Nick-car-roon) Enjoy We headed for the home forest that was 7 miles away. As...

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Chapter 3 Fay and Leo First Kiss <3

Sister abby suggest we sit down and watched them we had nothing to do next week so we just came park and sat down and watched then play but one day abby said lets go over and talk to them" **\*flashback\*** "hey there boys do you mind if we play as well" a flareon

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Dusk's Adventure day 4

Asha: it's just a little hard to believe an umbreon, or a flareon, could be so huge.

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Evolution's Gate Ch.3 - Zerobi's Story

Astrid said, "i'm a flareon! my father used to say that all the time!" "no, you're not!" eve snapped back while i said "yeah, stay out of this!"

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