Dusk's Adventure day 4
#4 of Dusk's Adventure
first time sleeping outside for Asha, not for Dusk
Asha: *wakes up* You awake, Dusk?
Dusk: yes
Asha: Ready for breakfast?
Dusk: Yeah
Asha: Lumen, we'd like breakfast, please.
Lumen: *appears and yawns* Okay. *a lot of food appears and Asha starts eating*
Dusk: *Starts eating*
*they eat until the food is gone*
Dusk: Is Lumen still sleeping?
Lumen: I'm awake. *yawn* I'm just tired.
Dusk: could you weigh me and measure me, please?
Lumen: *measures his height and weight* same height but 50 pounds heavier~
Dusk: Wow, *happily pat his now 3'750 pound belly*
Asha: Ready to go swimming?
Dusk: yep
Raiden: I'll go get the others. *he leaves*
Asha: See you soon, dad~
Dusk: Asha, do people look at me weird?
Asha: I don't know. I haven't noticed.
Dusk: I think they never seen a big fat bipedal umbreon before?
Asha: I doubt they have.
Dusk: so, they do not believe it?
Asha: It's just a little hard to believe an Umbreon, or a Flareon, could be so huge.
Dusk: *happily pat his 3'750 pound belly* true, or bipedal
Asha: That too~
Dusk: I see
Raiden: *enters with Zorro, Marsha, Leia, Posi, and Nega* Gang's all here~ Ready to go?
Asha: I am~
Lumen: Me too~!
Dusk: let's go
Raiden: Okay.
*everyone goes to a really large pool and gets in, a couple of Raiden's heavier Pokémon jumping in to make a huge splash*
Dusk: *get's in the pool*
Asha: This is nice~
Raiden: Yep~ *starts swimming around*
Posi: Yep indeed~ It's nice sitting in water for a change instead of on the ground. *she munches on a berry*
Dusk: Posi, what are you going to do after this?
Posi: Relax and eat and train~
Asha: That's her daily routine.
Dusk: for a little eating contest?
Posi: I train to keep myself mobile. When you're pretty small, a glutton, and trying to be like Cariah, mobility can be an issue. But I do love eating contests~
Dusk: I do love eating contests, but 10'8.5 is pretty tall
Posi: Do you want to be shorter?
Dusk: Sorry, but no
Posi: Oh. Would you like to have an eating contest later~?
Dusk: yeah, how many contestants?
Posi: Me, you, and anyone else wanting to participate.
Asha: I'll do it~!
Posi: Great~ Anyone else?
Marsha: *splashes Posi, Asha, and Dusk* I'll do it~!
Dusk: so me, asha, marsha and posi will do it?
Posi: Some others might want to it like Yama. We'll do it after we're done here at the pool~
Dusk: so 5 mons will do it, who will watch the contest?
Posi: Raiden, Lumen, Nega, and anyone else who wants to.
Dusk: Ok, But is the water warm?
Posi: Water is always warm when Asha's around~
Asha: Yep~ Just me being in water heats it up~
Dusk: Ok, then
Asha: This is pretty relaxing, just sitting here in the pool~
Dusk: yeah
Marsha: Ain't you guys gonna swim~?
Asha: I'm not much for swimming.
Posi: Me neither.
Dusk: *go's in and started swimming*
Marsha: You swim pretty good for someone over 3000 pounds~
Dusk: well, you can't judge a book by their cover
Dusk: do you know the reason I look like this? *he continues swimming*
Marsha: *still swimming* Yeah. You got hit with a grow ray and you lost your tribe and you eat like there's no tomorrow.
Dusk: *still swimming* yeah, love my new life
Marsha: That's good~
Leia: *swims by* Hey there, Dusk~
Dusk: Hi, Leia
Leia: How are you guys doing~?
Marsha: Doing good.
Dusk: Same
Leia: That's good~ So you guys are doing an eating contest later?
Marsha: Yep.
Leia: I definitely can't compete with you guys, but I'll still root you on~
Marsha: Thanks~
Dusk: thanks, Leia
Leia: No problem~ *she paddles off*
Dusk: Marsha, what is your past?
Marsha: Well, I was always a little chubby and didn't like it. But since I love eating I never lost any weight and only seemed grow a tiny bit every once in a while. When I encountered Mason's Mew, she made me pretty fat and boy did I hate it. It wasn't until I saw Cariah and Layla have a mega evolved sumo match that I liked being fat, and I wanted to get fatter so that I'll beat Cariah in a mega sumo match someday.
Dusk: so why Mason's mew do that anyway?
Marsha: Because she likes fattening up other Pokémon. Mew even fattened up Raiden once.
Dusk: She did?
Marsha: Yep. He and Mason lost a Smash Bros. match and had to be really fat for an hour. Luckily, Lumen was able to get them back to normal afterwards.
Marsha: Okay. *her stomach growls* I think I'm ready for that eating contest.
Dusk: Me too
Marsha: Want to go do it now?
Dusk: yeah
Marsha: Hey, we're ready for the eating contest if everyone else is!
Asha & Posi: Okay~!
*everyone is soon out of the pool and Lumen presents the contestants with lots of food for each of them*
Lumen: First one done or last one still eating wins~ Ready~?
Dusk: Ready, is Asha still limited to 2000 pounds, Lumen?
Lumen: Yep. Though all this food'll make her heavier until most it digests~ Are the rest of you guys ready~?
Asha, Posi, & Marsha: Yeah!
Lumen: Then dig in~!
*the contestants start eating*
Dusk: *Starts eating*
*soon Dusk finishes first, followed by Marsha, Asha continues trying to eat it all and Posi continues eating at her own pace happily enjoying her large meal*
Marsha: *burps loudly and rubs her stuffed stomach gently* Nice job.
Dusk: Thanks Marsha, Lumen, can you check my weight and my height?
Lumen: Sure thing~ *she measures him* 4100 pounds and 4 inches taller~
Dusk: so 10 foot 8.9?
Lumen: Um, actually, you're 10 foot 9.
Dusk: Wow *pat his now 4'100 pound belly*
Asha: *finishes her food* You're growing faster than a weed~
Dusk: yeah *pat his 4'100 pound belly* what about you
Posi: Wow, you're super jiggly~
Dusk: yea, is your belly still 2'000 pounds, Asha?
Asha: *BURP* Once this food digests a little it will be.
Dusk: so how many pounds?
Lumen: *measures Asha* 2250 pounds~
Dusk: and her height?
Lumen: Still 8 feet.
Dusk: so I am the heaviest out of Raiden's team?
Lumen: You've been the heaviest on the team~
Dusk: growing too
Lumen: Yep. You're bigger than any Pokémon we've ever seen!
Dusk: I know *his tail wags*
Posi: *finishes her food* Now what should we do?
Dusk: what about you all?
Marsha: I think I'll go relax at my lake.
Posi: Eat some more~ *she pats her huge belly*
Asha: Go hang out with my boyfriend~
Leia: I dunno.
Dusk: I go with posi then
Posi: Yay~!
Leia: Okay~ See you later~
Dusk: so where are we going, Posi?
Posi: *thinks for a moment* Let's go to the side of the house~
Dusk: Okay
*they waddle to the side of the house and sit down*
Posi: Ready for more eating~?
Posi: Lumen, lots of food and a feeding machine please.
Lumen: Okay~ *lots of food and a strange contraption appears*
Posi: This thing'll feed us so we don't have to worry about reaching the food~ And on top of that, I'm lazy and like being fed~
Dusk: Posi, do you like getting fat?
Posi: I love it~! *she slaps her huge belly making it wobble* I try to be like Cariah. She's huge and eats so much. You can say I'm a Plusle-sized Cariah~
Dusk: so she's like your role model?
Posi: Yes~ Anyway, ready to eat~?
Dusk: yeah
Posi: This thing will stuff some food in our mouths every 10 seconds so chew and swallow quickly~ *she pushes a button on a remote control in her hand and the machine starts feeding them*
Posi: Sure. *she turns off the machine and rubs her belly* I feel so huge~
Dusk: do I still fit?
Lumen: For now. Though you take up most of the space.
Dusk: do they still sit on the floor?
Lumen: "They?"
Dusk: I meant Raiden and his pokemon?
Lumen: On the floor; on the couch; on you, Asha, or Marsha. It just depends on where they feel like sitting.
Dusk: How big is my tail?
Lumen: Bigger than your fat face~
Posi: It looks so plush~
Dusk: my front and my back paws?
Lumen: Also very huge.
Posi: They look bigger than my head~
Dusk: yellow rings on my body?
Lumen: Pretty wide~
Posi: You could light up a whole room with those~
Posi: Wanna keep eating until then?
Dusk: Yeah
*Posi starts up the feeding machine again and they continue eating*
*later they done eating*
Lumen: It's about time for dinner if your ready.
Dusk: shall we go, can posi come?
Lumen: Of course she can come~! Everyone's invited to dinner~
Dusk: Let's go
*everyone arrives in front of the house and Lumen make huge tables and chairs appear along with a huge banquet*
Lumen: Dig in~! *everyone starts eating*
*dinner continues for a while*
Dusk: Lumen, will you weight me?
Lumen: Sure thing~ *she weighs him* Another 400 pounds heavier~ And you seem to be an inch taller.
Dusk: So, 10 foot 10? *pat his now 4'570 pound belly*
Lumen: Yep.
Dusk: Is Asha coming back soon?
Lumen: She should be.
Dusk: Right *Pats his big belly*
Lumen: Is there anything you want to do?
Dusk: Like What?
Lumen: I dunno.
Dusk: What will Posi do?
Posi: Relax~ *she sits back and slowly rubs her huge, bloated belly*
Dusk: Ok *he sits back and slowly rubs his 4'570 pound belly*
Leia: Excuse me Dusk, but could I lay on your belly and maybe rub it?
Dusk: sure
Leia: Thanks~ *she floats onto his belly and hugs it with her small, chubby arms*
Dusk: you are welcome
Leia: You're belly's so huge, soft, and squishy~
Dusk: thanks
Leia: No problem~ *she continues hugging and feeling his belly*
Dusk: *pat his belly*
Leia: *feels his belly jiggle from the pats and giggles* This is fun~
Dusk: yeah *continues to pat his belly*
Leia: *continues hugging and rubbing his belly* Your belly's really nice~
Dusk: thanks, leia *continues to pat his belly*
Leia: You're welcome~ *she continues hugging and rubbing his huge belly*
Dusk: Lumen, which foods have the most fat? *continues to pat his belly*
Lumen: Desserts are pretty fattening, if that's what you mean.
Dusk: yeah, like chocolate cakes and puddings *continues to pat his belly*
Lumen: Would you like some special, super fattening desserts that'll make you grow fatter really fast~?
Dusk: yeah *continues to pat his belly*
Leia: Cool~ I get to feel you grow~
Lumen: *makes a chocolate poke puff appear* Ready~?
Dusk: Ready *starts to eat*
Lumen: *makes the other desserts disappear* I think that's enough~ You're probably going to be over a thousand pounds heavier~
Dusk: Ok, can you weight me?
Lumen: Once you're done growing and if Leia can tear herself away from your softness~
Dusk: ok
*Leia continues feeling Dusk grow as Lumen watches*
Dusk: Did raiden saved the world? *pat his belly*
Lumen: Yep~ He, Mason, and Nick saved the world~!
Leia: Ooh~ Growing and jiggling~!
Dusk: I see
Lumen: Yep~
*Dusk soon stops growing*
Dusk: wow, I'm that big
Lumen: You're a lot wider than the house~
Leia: And so soft and squishy~
Dusk: Do you think I still fit?
Lumen: Not a chance.
Dusk: Can you weight me now?
Lumen: Right. *she weighs him* 6000 pounds even!
Leia: 6000 pounds of the biggest, softest bed ever~
Dusk: and my height?
Lumen: *measure's his height* 11 feet and 2 inches.
Dusk: wow, I am big
Leia: Extremely big~
Dusk: where's Raiden?
Lumen: *looks around* Maybe he went to go hang out with Mason or Tempo a little.
Dusk: What do I do while I wait for Raiden? *pat his 6'000 pound belly*
Lumen: You can eat more or go swimming or hang out with others.
Dusk: eat more before Raiden came back
Lumen: Okay~ *lots of food appears*
Dusk: Thanks*start to eat*
Asha: *returns and is almost as big as Dusk* Uh, h-hi guys.
*later Lumen measures Asha* 5843 pounds and 9 feet tall~ What caused this growth spurt~?
Asha: Me and X binged on some of his weight gain foods... again. And it seemed to override the wish I made earlier.
Lumen: No worries~ I'll get you down to 1000 pounds again~ Later~
Asha: Oh come on.
Dusk: well I am finished eating
Lumen: Then I should weigh ya~ *she weighs him* 6250 pounds~
Dusk: And my height?
Lumen: Half an inch taller.
Dusk: wow, I am getting bigger
Lumen: Yes you are.
Dusk: I love it *pat his now 6'250 pound belly*
Lumen: Good~
Dusk: Asha, Do you want to feel my belly fat?
Asha: My belly is still squished against yours so I'm kinda already feeling it.
Dusk: How is it?
Asha: Squishy, soft, and warm.
Leia: And awesome and cozy~
Dusk: What time is it, Asha?
Asha: Lumen?
Lumen: 8:30. It's starting to get late.
Raiden: Hi guys~ What's going on?
Asha: Hey Dad~
Dusk: Hi Raiden
Raiden: You guys sure had a growth spurt while I was gone~ *he rubs Asha's belly*
Asha: Y-Yeah.
Dusk: where did you go? *pat his 6'250 pound belly*
Raiden: I hung out with Mason then Tempo.
Dusk: Did you mention me to them?
Raiden: Yeah.
Dusk: what do they say?
Raiden: They're surprised by how huge you are and continuing to get.
Dusk: bigger, but Is it night-time, or supper?
Raiden: Nighttime.
Dusk: so we go to bed
Raiden: You can if you want.
Dusk: Where?
Raiden: Since you're too big to fit inside, you'll need to stay out here or go in your Pokéball.
Dusk: I sleep to the side of your house then
Asha: I'm too big for the house like this too so I'll sleep outside too.
Leia: And I'll sleep in between you guys like I'm doing right now~
Raiden: Okay. Goodnight.
Dusk: Night
Asha: Goodnight.
Leia: Night~
*they fall asleep*
*Dusk fall asleep*