The Newspaper Wolf
In fact, everyone in my class found themselves worried for such evaluations, except me. my sucess wasn't because i was an ace at it, but more inclined to my good luck.
Academy Days Part 3
The fact that the previous two floors had been secured was a move that was likely playing well with the evaluators, considering that it wasn't so common for that to happen so early in a game.
A Giant Problem XII
Dad asked with an edge to his voice "she's being put on admin leave to be evaluated." "i don't want her near my son!" "neither do i, but we do have to play the game as it were." "like hell." "mr. clarke, listen to me.
Missing In Action - Chapter 2 - And The Fox Would Trot
"we're headed there now to evaluate the situation, could be insurgents, could be locals having a celebration, can hardly tell these days." "yeah, no shit.
Zootopia: Brave New World - Good Morning, Zootopia!
He was still there, looking at him as if he was truly evaluating him. the door opened again, and someone else came in. better saying, **something** else came in.
A Heartbreak for Hunter
"your job evaluation." she handed tim the small sheet of paper. "multiple outstanding, nothing under an excellent." the rat smiled at the dog. "dr. malone wanted you to be here because she's offered you a pay raise."
Origins of R.C.
Later, he was taken to be evaluated. he was found to have a form of synesthesia where sounds make the little cub see colors. he eventually learned to identify and enjoy how it would "enhance" the music listening experience.
Missing In Action - Chapter 1 : Shooting Hoops
Your orders are to proceed to alpha six-ones position, and evaluate the situation." "rules of engagement sir?" the radio operators' voice sounded firmer now, more confident. "there will be civilians down there two-four.
Blood Red: Chapter One: The Administrator
I evaluated, pulling away from damien slowly so that he wouldn't tear half of my ear off. the dragon got up with me and got dressed; i, on the other hand, staggered into the bathroom, trying to wake myself up with a cool, refreshing shower.
Havana or Hell, part five
I evaluated my options. i could spend an espionage token to take a sneak peek into her top-secret project, but i only had a single action point left for that turn. instead i placed another mining token on the island of ra'gesso.
From the Journal of Blayze EmberScales (Prologue)
At the time that i left my pack, i had been nearing an evaluation by the old ones to consider my own candidacy for a true name. i will detail those events in due time.
Ch. 6 -- Trust
"perhaps i need to re-evaluate the level of trust i have in you", she said with a sigh. dro nodded his head. "my finest student", he reiterated.