Sleepover at Timothy's
His eyes drifted to the waistband of timothy's shorts, which had slid down a little to reveal a lightning-mcqueen pull-up his friend was wearing under his shorts.
Aya and the dragon
As aya got to her shirt the rise in water level caused her shirt to un-snag, and drift as she tried to grab it. she then looked behind her and saw the dragon had stopped drinking.
Birthright: Chapter one
In the silent black twilight it drifted slowly down. a gently wind caused it to drift slightly coming to rest upon the outside window ledge of a small cabin.
Ragnarok - II
He only watched with unabashed delight the drifting revolutions. cautiously, lest he should frighten, stretched he forth a glove. two fireflies drifted epicyclical and settled there, like beacons on a hill.
Asch'an (Part One)
Picking up his helmet and diagnostic tools, he drifted further aft, in search of a control interface. --- drifting through space not too terribly far from the derelict starship, was another, smaller vessel.
New Bond
The two slowly drifted in the water; flame laying against spyro. they remained like that for some time. flame's scales seemed to lighten up from the soaking. the purple dragon hadn't noticed their dinginess from inside.
City OF Sercurity (Ailith Fletcher)
"filthy maggots" i say to myself as my lip curls as my eyes drift by this rugged man, "mmmm" i think "he looks promising" my eyes drift away. i spread my legs slightly puffing out my chest as i show my canines, looking at everyone.
A Beachside Meeting.
The relative safety of the pool was not available at this hour however, as he started to wade into the water the scent of seawater drifted into his nose, it brought him some faint comfort recalling his childhood.
Wake Up Alarm (Otherwise Untitled)
While navigating the power routing options, a cleaning drone drifted into her field of view. she paused to watch it.
Moonlit Night
In but a few moments, the clouds would pass completely, leaving the sky unsullied by the unwanted drifts. he took a last, long drag from his smoke, bringing the cherry right down to the filter, before he flicked the butt away.
The Search For Garth/Day 1
Lily curled beside humphery and drifted off to sleep. humphery stayed awake for a little while listening to kate and lily's breathing and drifted to sleep. the search will continue another day.
461 The Implicate Order
They drift subtly back and forth even whilst at rest, moving around themselves in strange and incomprehensible ways.