Chasing the Sun - Chapter 15: The Trees Left Standing

She let him go, and people helped her to get to a police car. done with it, kevin walked away, only to be reprimanded by the two police officers from before.

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Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Fourteen

I took a few minutes of my time to quickly check the notes that the device had taken and nodded, "okay this plan makes a good deal of sense, and she's even made room for the police actions. now we have to get the police to follow the plan."

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Zootopia Movie Script: Point 223 part 6

The camera then swings back to the car carrying the swat team and above them is the police helicopter. scene shift scene location: police helicopter over palm view beach scene: larry pats judy on her shoulder.

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Out the Airlock: Chapter 1

Working as a police officer in freedom city wasn't exactly how she envisioned her life after the war, yet it seemed to fit the former pleasure slave.

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the unatural kid chapter1: fast reflexs

I rush to the police station running really fast i finnaly get there. "your late!"

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Love at First Sight part 2

"i need the police we are being robbed and they might kill us" i screamed into the phone "please lady calm down police officers are on their way".


Ep6-The Second Heist-The Tamers of shadow

Turns out the police chief of the city, a male german shepherd named simon cloverfield, was a monarch with his "castle" being the main police station downtown.

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Fallen - Chapter 2 - The Game is Afoot.

From there, he could look out over the street below without being spotted by the numerous police officers that were down there.

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Against All Odds: Part 30 - From The Ashes

Screaming sirens and flashes of blue returned to the fill the street, the police van chugging into life before speeding off into the night.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 9.3 - The Guardian

"this city ain't safe with a police chief being a criminal!" over in theater square, the same scenario played with dan and umashi staring down the coming horde of police.

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